Link to all blogs and updates throughout the 2022 season

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


For the latest 'live' YouTube link, visit >>> SWT YT Channel

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2022 return dates: LM12 (Laddie) - 13th March; NC0(16) - 23rd March

Looking forward to welcoming back Laddie and NC0 to this wonderful location at Loch of the Lowes. Will Laddie, in his 12th season, beat his earliest arrival date that he achieved last year? Will NC0, her 4th season, be heard before she is seen on cam? Could we see the return of their 2021 offspring, LR1 and LR2? Here's hoping they have safe, spring migrations so as to grace our screens once again. 

Nest Updates

Arrival dates: NC0 - 17.3.23 (07:43)   Laddie - 17.3.23 (13:43)

Eggs laid: Egg #1 - 4.4.23 (09:32)   Egg #2 - 7.4.23 (09:39)   Egg #3 - 10.4.23 (09:10)


March/April Blogs and Updates (published dates)

28.2.23 SWT video >>> Prepping the Osprey Nest for the Season

17.3.23 SWT (News) blog >>> Successful reunion of breeding ospreys at Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Reserve

24.3.23 LotL blog >>> Breeding osprey return to Loch of the Lowes on the same day!

3.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 2 

5.4.23 LotL blog >>> First egg of the osprey season - Week 2

7.4.23 LotL blog >>> Second Egg for Osprey Pair at Loch of the Lowes

10.4.23 LotL blog >>> Easter Egg Surprises - The Arrival of the Third Egg and an Unwanted Guest

16.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes- Week 3

21.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes - Weeks 4 & 5

23.4.23 LotL blog >>> Loch of the Lowes Osprey Sighted on their First Migration North

25.4.23 LotL blog >>> Let’s Eggsamine NC0’s Three-Egg Clutch

30.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 6

  • The/an unringed intruder was back at 18:46 while NC0 was incubating

    She had been tracking just beforehand then...

    Heading down to the nest


    NC0 flapped at the intruder

    Off it went to the right

    It made its flight off to the left

    And continued until out view



  • Cont'd...

    Laddie appeared, heading towards the nest about a minute or so after

    After being quiet and watchful, Laddie gave a couple of chips

    No threat seen

    Both Laddie and NC0 were more relaxed

    More chips from Laddie, once again, no threat seen

    He then left the nest at 18:55

    He must have done a clockwise flight around the front of the nest, behind the cam, as he came into view flying above the inlet to head towards the birch

    He then headed low, I think into the branches directly in front of him


  • At 19:57, the cam zoomed in while NC0 was incubating


  • Laddie arrived at the nest at 20:26, the cam zoomed in

    Love this one!

    Laddie must be feeling tired

    NC0 was fish calling

    Preparing to leave at 20:42

    He could be seen making his way in the direction of the birch - almost a talon-dipping moment before heading around the birch corner

    Close to the water

    Rising a little higher

    NC0 at 21:22, just prior to night cam coming on


  • Thanks for all your updates Sandra, there’s certainly a dull moment at this nest! Smile
    That unringed intruder is very persistent. Hope he’s moved on today.
  • Morning All,

    Laddie arrived to take over incubation at 5:04

    NC0 returned at 7:17 - She couldn't wait to get back onto the eggs; poor Laddie was unceremoniously barged off on her way to settle! lol

    10:44 NC0 has continued to incubate

    Hopefully, we'll see a fish delivery soon


  • From 11:49, NC0 was on alert for about 5 minutes, scanning the sky and area - distant chipping heard. It was good to know that Laddie was around to take control of any threat


  • At 12:45, NC0 was fish calling. Laddie made a fly past the nest with what appeared to be a fish in his talons

    12:59 A headless lunch was served

    NC0 is missing a primary feather

    NC0 headed in the direction of the birch

    When NC0 reached close to that area, she flew high then could be seen making a flight in a clockwise direction over the Loch and landed within the area marked. (NC0 heading in the direction of the birch in pic shown)

    NC0 returned to the nest at 13:23, not with the remainder of the sizeable fish but with a stick! Oh no, did she lose it?

    Laddie flew off

    I wonder how much of the fish she had eaten? She was 'smacking' her beak as if she had had something though her crop doesn't look near full


  • 15:13 NC0 calling for fish
