2022/23 OFF-SEASON FREE-FOR-ALL, ***FEEDERS*** & Other Wildlife Cams

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Makov Animal Rescue Station

One of our favourites.

The Pond cam has remained throughout the year, with new-to-us maturing cygnets and fawns still at the bottle-feeding stage:

No table manners !!!

The second cam has been a White Stork nest, which I have not been following during Osprey season.  The nest is very close to the ground because the Storks can't fly!

Today I find that the second cam has reverted to the birdie feeder we love - except it's been totally refurbished!  (Wish they'd zoom out just a teeny tad.)  Improved sound !!!  And look who popped in a few seconds after I started the download Chipmunk 

This was an incidental I came across on BirdwatchingHQ (you know how he hosts lots of cams unrelated to his own):

"Nocturnal thieves..."

  • From a couple of days of Makov feeder.

    The Middle-spotted Woodpecker under a fleeing Great Tit:

    Blue Tit not looking pretty, looks like it's ringed:

    There are "hundreds" of Spadgers every day. shame that just these few were transfixed - they were gone a split second later, along with all the other birds in the area except the ones in the dangling "house" feeder. who just wondered what all the fuss was about:

    First in @ 07:00 - a couple of poses while it found food and kept an eye out for threats:

    Jays were in and out nicking the peanuts:

    Definitely more than one, I wonder how numerous they are?

    Reminding me to say that very few Greenfinches are visiting lately, this was an oddment:

    But then there were at least 4 togeher yesterday late afternoon.

  • Glaslyn

    23/24 October night:

    These 4 were swimming on the river for hours:

    Then 2 sailed in from under the bridge and joined them:

    Dang we have a spider:

    And a web - but shortly after this snap it rained heavily and afterward the web could not be seen:

    The regular Mule Swan couple in harmony:

    Eek!  What happened to the LG Feeder cam?   After an hour or so (?) it restarted itself correctly:

    I was calling the Crestie a bully until a thorough investigation showed that it was minding its own business until the Coal tit provoked it - the Coalie was chased out of the picture and Crestie returned to enjoy its session:

    Not long before nightcam the Treecreeper spent a few minutes eating (after that, a Crestie, then nightfall):

  • Many thanks Scylla for the Makov, Glaslyn & LG feeder updates, am enjoying them very much!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyBartter said:
    am enjoying them very much!


     Glaslyn - the 25th looked like a lovely day.

    Goosander?  They never did focus perfectly:

    One half of the Mute Swan couple, half under, feetz paddling:

    The 26th was a cloudy day leading to a misty evening, I didn't spot any "good" captures.


    LotL !!!


    It came to my notice on the 25th that the cam was live again Grin

    First day, the Raven visited a couple of times and there were a lot of ducks congregating and moving down the Loch:

    How can I be expected to spot a Tawny on the nest with this lot flickering away?

    Next day, it looked as tho the ducks were panicked - was there an otter maybe?  There was still disturbance on the surface after most of the ducks had gone:

  • Wonderful 'snaps' all . Thank you. . Loved the Goosanders and Mute Swan and Ducks . Love em all          Smile   loved just everything and, I also grabbed a snap of the Point Croesor Osprey nest  nest on  that  great close up (doesn't often happen)

    PS what a great 'panic' video !  - maybe an otter ??  or a dog of course , although I would have thought  not as likely. Any other suggestions anyone?  

  • Unknown said:
    maybe an otter ??

    That's what I thought/wondered.

    There's no freeze in this video - whatever was so fascinating to the squirrel?


    I've been meaning to "do" the Nuthatch for ages, this time it was still for just long enough - and I'm intrigued by its bottie pattern - is there an evolutionary reason for it?

    Greenfinches have been back in force (but not as many as sparrows):

    Unlisted video because it's a charming little helper again:

  • Bravo for the greenfinches        Grin            but please could we have more sparrow videos    ( no pressure of course              Innocent   )

    Thank you Scylla     Grin

  • 27 October


    Sparrowhawk ???

    Mystery flyer-by:

    Next day, this Jay arrived with morsel, stayed 30 seconds, left with morsel:

    I had flu & covid jabs on Tuesday, been swollen, sore and knackered (more than usual) ever since - I've been thru the cams for anything unusual...

  • Yes a sparrowhawk I reckon scylla. I wondered about a goshawk but then un-wondered. Thanks for the puzzle