LOCH GARTEN - August 2022 to end of season

July 2022 thread

Our Osprey family

"Axel", Blue AX6(16) male (yes he does have strong chest markings), a single chick (possibly from 3 eggs) hatched Glen Affric, near Beauly, seen Lossiemouth 2020, then at LG in 2021

"Asha"- Female - Unringed - partnered Axel in 2021.

Axel & Asha (as "Mistle") fled the nest May 2021 due to unknown intruders.

HATCH #1 - 11 June @ 05:30

HATCH #2 - 13 June @ 04:11 (first sighting)

AT RINGING - Quote RSPB Abernethy Facebook "The male BLUE 1C2 is thought to be the older one at 1.5kgs with the female BLUE 1C1 being the younger one at 1.5kgs."

RSPB Video Channel - Osprey, Goshawk, Barn Owls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8QdQ9ZaBT65tF1yOmbMBQ

All pictures & videos ©RSPB LochGarten & WildlifeWindows 


  • Lovely to see 1C2 having such fun with his new skill!!
  • Fantastic news IC2 has successfully fledged.

    Thanks everyone for all updates, captures and videos
  • 1c1fledged at 9.54am and landedon the dead tree
  • 1c2 tryed to dislodge 1c1 fromthe dead tree

    10 00 am

  • Oh!!!  I have just turned on, and this is what I see!

    I think 1C2 is on the nest perch and 1C1 is with Asha (not Sasha!! I've edited y'day's post) on the dead tree, but the light is not good at the moment.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 1C1 fledged at 09:54:49 and flies to the dead tree..

    Asha join her at the tree for a moment and later 1C2 joins her..

    finally at 12:33 1C1 returns safely to the nest

  • Great news and they both fledged on the same day
  • I'm running short of time, so this is all I have so far today.  Feel free to add or continue!

    1C2 54 days old;  1C1  52 days old


    06.55.54    1C2 fledged


    08:34     Simon Anderson  listening to him chirp away as he lands on the camera.  So proud of himself.

    08.47     Valerie   Six years ago the last chicks fledged from LG nest

                  Blue PP0(16)m  Rowan  fledged at 53 days  and Blue AF0(16)m  Willow  fledged att 54 days

    09.54.50       1C1 fledged

    09.55.31       1C1 landed in the dead tree

    10.06          1C2 left the perch and flew over 1C1 and returned to the nest perch  -  SFE check

    10.09           1C2 enjoying circuits and bumps

    10.17           Asha landed on the dead tree with 1C1

                       1C2 is on the nest perch


    10.33       1C2 is on the perch, 1C1 and Asha are on the dead tree, with Asha lower than 1C1.

                    1C2 begins to mantle as another osprey flies over, and around.  Asha took off and two osprey were seen flying in the sky.  No calling heard.  Asha touched down on the dead tree and was off  again.

    10.51       Rain shower and winds got up.  Both juvies stayed on their respective perches.  They are grown up now!  No snuggling together again the elements.

    11.43.43  1C2 left the perch and had a flyabout, landing back on the perch, with a delighted chirrup.

    11.52        1C2 gives a loud call, as though he can see a fish arriving.  1C1, still on the dead tree, is quiet.  Is Asha within sight off to the left.  He follows someone in the sky above 'us', half mantling.  Concern is over, but he looks intently about him.

    12.18       1C2 takes off and flies to a lower perch on the dead tree, below 1C1.


    12.30      The wind gets up again.  The nest moves a little.

    12.32       1C1 leaves the dead tree

    12.33        And returns to the nest which is in sunshine.  The skies are dark, but the hills are still clear.

    12.34       What's up there, we''l never know


    12.47       1C2 takes off, has a fly-about and returns to the nest. 

    12.50       He creeps along the rim, behind his sister.  They have a greeting.  1C2 and settle down on the nest.


    13.08       They snoozed together

    13.33        The wind got up again, gusting. 1C1's feathers were blowing up, and the rain started to fall.  1C2 got up and objects to it.  He backs to the rim and faces it out!  1C1 says down. 

    13.35       1C2 chatters, and lifts up in the wind.  Was that fun!.  Rain gets heavier. 

                    1C2 remains standing, 1C1 stays lying down.

    14.29     The shower passed through, the sun appears.  1C2 preens.  1C1 remains snoozing.


    14.51    1C1 stirs, and starts calling as she stands up..

    14.59     1C2 takes off and I think landed on the very left, lower branch of the dead tree.  He could be heard calling.  1C1 joins in briefly.

    15.04     1C1 stretched, flapped her wings, gave a pitiful call and lay down, alone

    15.15     She is up again, standing on the rim and looking all around below.

    15.16     1C1 helicopters, landing with a clonk.  She jumps across the nest, has a poop, stares at the occupants on the nest and follows movements of something!!

    15.28      Her attention is caught by something off the nest, but I have no idea what.  She crouches low and lies down carefully, peaking up now and again.

    16.13       1C2 returns and lands on the perch.  1C1 starts calling.

                     He drops off the perch

    16.14.09    An osprey could be seen flying behind the nest, and possibly landing on the dead tree. 

    16.23       1C2 returned, landing on the perch


    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Oh how wonderful fo see them fledged and flying around, 1C2 had some fun back and forth to the nest, chipping to her as he landed as if to say, come on then you can do it to, it's great up here. Another stage over for them. Wonder where his nibs is, we hardly see him these days?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.