Link to July 2022

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes



So, we now enter August knowing that we will only have the pleasure of watching this beautiful family all together for a limited number of weeks.
Both LP8 and LR0 have transformed into two strong, independent individuals. Their attentive parents have continued to provide for and nurture them and this, in turn, has given the juveniles a basis to continue their growth into full adulthood, wherever they decide to settle during the next couple of years.
Last season, NC0 began her southerly migration on the 22nd August; Laddie on the 25th (these dates were their last webcam sightings). We can only hope that all of the 2022 family have safe, unhindered journeys to warmer climes, aided by fair winds as well as an abundance of fish along the way, and that we will welcome Laddie and NC0 back to this stunning Loch of the Lowes location in the spring of 2023. 

Nest Updates

Arrival dates:  Laddie - 13.3.22 (c12:00)  NC0 - 23.3.22 (18:14)

Three eggs laid:  Egg #1 - 12.4.22 (18:34)  Egg #2 - 15.4.22 (16:05)  Egg #3 - 18.4.22 (12:14)

Hatch dates:  Chick #1 - 19.5.22 (10:26) - 37 days  Chick #2 - 21.5.22 (03:24) - 36 days  Chick #3 - 23.5.22 (19:46) - 35 days

15.6.22: At 23 days old, chick #3 passed away Broken heart

27.6.22:  Our osprey chicks have been ringed! (Genders not able to be positively determined, ? both males)

Chick #1: LP8 (39 days old) - wing measurement = 360mm, weight = 1.5kg

Chick #2: LR0 (37 days old) - wing measurement = 315mm, weight = 1.44kg

Fledge dates:  LP8 - 13.7.22 (10:06) 55 days old  LR0 - 15.7.22 (13:55) 55 days old

Migration/Last Seen dates: NC0 - 11.8.22  Laddie - 26.8.22  LP8 (100 do) and LR0 (98 do) - 27.8.22                        


August Blogs and Updates:

Links to blogs and updates during March/AprilMayJune, and July

12.8.22: Last Supper From NC0? (SWT video recorded at 17:20 on 10.8.22)

23.8.22:  Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes: Week 21

25.8.22: Blog -  Homeward Bound – Ospreys on the Move

9.9.22: End of Season Blog: Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes: So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!

  • Glider said:

    Sandra - apologies for hijacking this site!


    Aww, not a problem, Glider! Hugging

    Just as I was getting used to the layout of the empty nest, a crow disturbed the sticks on the right-hand side at 13:37

    Still no Osprey sightings..


  • Goodness, there was a very loud gun shot at 19:26!
  • Sandra P said:
    Goodness, there was a very loud gun shot at 19:26!

    I despise that noise Worried

  • Yep, you and me both, Glider! 

    The first full day without any Osprey visits to the nest and am really missing them already... Disappointed

    No one on the birch when night cam came on at 21:02


  • I know how you feel Sandra. Just emptiness and hoping they are all safe and managing to fend for themselves. Heart️ Strange all 3 here went on the same day, not even Laddie staying for an extra day. (He could still turn up tomorrow, you know what he’s like! Lol)
  • Glider said:
    Just found out that Bart has taken a video Scylla and posted it on Brenig.

    Glad to know before I tore my hair out because I'm not downloading Brenig (stream has been too flaky) Stuck out tongue winking eye 

    Presumably there's been no activity on the LotL nest today, so I'm going to use the screen to capture Clywedog2, starting at sun-up Sun with face 

    Still downloading the stream as backup for Sandra.

  • 29 August

    No-one seen up to 05:50.

    (Just to show I'm helping Stuck out tongue winking eye )

  • Morning all,

    Thanks Scylla!

    8:06 A bird appeared from beyond the birch corner, flying very quickly, low across the Loch. I could see flashes of white as it continued until out of cam view. As to whether this was an Osprey or not, I couldn't say for definite

    Other than that, nothing seen


  • Glider said:
    I know how you feel Sandra. Just emptiness and hoping they are all safe and managing to fend for themselves. ️ Strange all 3 here went on the same day, not even Laddie staying for an extra day. (He could still turn up tomorrow, you know what he’s like! Lol)

    Hi Glider,

    Yes, hoping that both LP8 and LR0 are doing well, they've grown into being very strong individuals. Fingers crossed Nothing would surprise me where Laddie is concerned! lol Smiley

    Will await confirmation from Lowes as to whether all three have now migrated...

  • It is sad when they all leave, here one minute then gone. Always a sad time when we bid them fairwell, even although we do not know when that is to be! Wishing the family a safe migration, plenty rest and the safe return of Laddie and NCO next year.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.