LLYN CLYWEDOG - July to End of 2022 Season

Information courtesy of John Williams:

5F Seren hatched at nest K, Rutland, from parents Red 08 (m) and Yellow 30 (f).  Chris Wood, who volunteers at the Rutland osprey project, has been following her for at least 7 years to Tanji Marsh in the Gambia.  She has been at this nest with Dylan since 2020, after suffering abandonment by bigamist Aran at Pont Croesor.

Dylan is unringed, he's been breeding at this nest since 2016, when he ousted dear Dai Dot.


CarnyxWild Wales YouTube Channel

The Clywedog Osprey Group (Facebook)


The chicks have been ringed this morning - early on, just the one showed us a ring - 553.

It didn't take long for a parent to return:

  • 25 August

    Please confirm this was a Wren (briefly) as well as Great Spotted Woodpecker.  The Wren has some markings I'm not familiar with but it's not very clear.

    The Jay started his/her visits around 08:00:

    11:11 - Dylan with whole fish, but the cam had a hissy fit when he landed,  554 eventually flew with the fish:

    A second fish for 554, blurry pic again:

    It was he who abandoned the fish that the Jay took adavantage of.

    Unknown said:
    16.00 today - a fish has been abandoned on the nest and a jay is tucking in enthusiatically.

    I was watching - only just got around to it - what a good meal s/he had!

    Dylan took away the fish - the Jay called in shortly after but was disappointed:

    I can't ID the juvie who got the early supper:

    No more activity till 20:00 changeover, which I missed - I've looked at rollback and can't see anyone there before nightfall.

  • John Williams has reported a discussion with Tim Mackrill who advises that KA6 has been seen at Blithfield reservoir in Staffordshire. KA6 is a daughter of Dylan and Delyth who hatched at Clywedog in 2019. Her brother KA7 was seen last year as a 2 year old but this is the first time KA6 has been reported. There are indications that she is bonding with 2AM, a 2017 male from Manton Bay.

    Clywedog now has sightings of 2 returners from each of 2018 (KS7 amd KS8), 2019 (AK6 and AK7) and 2020 (550 and 551).

    Of this year's brood 553 and 555 have not been seen since yesterday morning, so may have left on migration. 554 has had fish from both parents today.

  • Excellent news, many thanks AG! Safe journeys to 553 and 555 if indeed they have begun their migrations

  • Scylla, your video of 25th August with the wren - I would say it’s definitely a wren looking at its size, shape and distinctive upturned tail.
  • Fabulous news about the Clywedog genes, AG Hugging

    AG wrote the following post at 26 Aug 2022 4:40 PM:

    Of this year's brood 553 and 555 have not been seen since yesterday morning, so may have left on migration. 554 has had fish from both parents today.

    I plan to try to find both those fish deliveries later and will slot them in here.

  • 27 August

    First in (with a partner flitting in 'n out of picture):

    Dylan arrived, picked up the clump and put it down again, mantled - and promptly got buffered:

    Refreshing only made the scene repeat itself, then suddenly Dylan had gone and a juvie was at the far end of the low perch - would that be 554, and has that been a fave perching place for her?  I've noticed that one is often there when 2 others are on the high perch.

  • Dylan's here with a rock-solid dried-out clump - having said "rock-solid", it looks lightweight at the same time.

  • Dylan and Seren were on the nest together - Dylan has flown - someone is on the end of the low perch, 554? Can't see.

    EDIT - it might have been unflown Dylan, shall check in a minute.

  • Seren on the nest.

    (I think! I've got the screen too dim and can't reach it at the mo.)

    Oh no, more buffering.  She's calling persistently.