All quiet on the Osprey front. Mistle started gently food soliciting, then quiet, then stood up to reveal.........

,, what appeared to be a half eaten rainbow trout! No doubt Scylla will be able to get a much sharper image than me. All this happened about 5:45.  It was as stiff as a board. When was that delivered?

Afrer faffing around getting images 1 of them has come back to the nest and is incubating - can't tell which. 

Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Sorry for going to another subject but on Tiger's group a member I WILL name - Penny Albright - was commissioned by me to produce a picture of EJ -I had to share with you. STUNNING! EJ lovers just enjoy and remember.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Oh my, gorgeous, always remembered, a very special lady.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:
    Oh my, gorgeous, always remembered, a very special lady.

    How can an Osprey jump out of the page and grab you by the throat.....especially when you are not a fish! .......... but when I saw this picture EJ did. She lives in our memories. What better epitaph can an Osprey have? 

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • 29 June

    FISH !!! !!! !!! @ 22:28 - it was Mistle obviously feeding the chicks that alerted me - I've marmalised this as much as possible, can't do any better:

  • 30 June

    02:38 Mistle was nearly 10 minutes preening on the perch:

    Up to 05:28 I'm pretty sure no fish or visit from Axel.

  • Mistle is calling and calling.

    05:42 - 06:06 she was in 'n out and fidgeting 'n faffing - if only we could seeeee.

    This post has been sitting here for hours!

    All of a sudden some water cleared part of the lens, but only for a moment:


    Packing up time - SYAL!


  • What a beautiful drawing of EJ by Penny Albright. You are one lucky chap, CRinger!
    What was #2 up to? Wanting a bit of privacy perhaps, or to stop us being judgmental she s/he starts another battle it can't win! In amongst the poop blur it looked earlier as though MISTLE was trying to cover the chicks from some light rain, which wasn't really heavy enough to clear the lens covering the cam. Now the sun has come out to bake it on! To be fair, I think the view is slightly clearer, but there is a long way to go.
    MISTLE has spent a lot of time preening, with her back to us, so we would have had a lovely view of her fanned tail feathers and wing stretches.nearer the cam.
    She took a fly about at 10.41 back by10.43 with a lovely chirrup. 11.16 she took off again and returned two minutes later.
    13.22 MISTLE started calling. 13.23 #1 FISH!!  Axel left 13.23. I have no idea of size or breed!  I guess we could estimate the size when feeding stops LOL

    You can just about see she is feeding the chicks!  I think it is everso slightly clearer!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 13.39 AXEL is back to check whether there is any fish left!  Feeding continues, so he takes the hint, and flies off.

    13.45  no more takers for offerings, MISTLE picks up dropped pieces.  

    There is rain in the air, so once she is satisfied the nest is tidy, MISTLE tries to tuck the chicks under her.  There is very little wind but there is more breeze than earlier.  Perhaps it will help the rain to get on the cam!

    13.50  AXEL returns.  I think he found the tail end, given the noise from MISTLE!  He flies off, possibly with the tail end.

    13.52  MISTLE gives a run of irritated calls!  Bring back the tail end!

    13.57  My goodness she is cross!  Demanded that AXEL returns!  In the meantime she finds some more dropped pieces of fish

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Such a lovely sketch of our dear EJ, CRinger!
    So frustrating not to be able to see the live stream clearly. Hoping it will be cleared soon. Just heard Mistle screeching and could see that Axel probably just brought back some of what seems a large fish. Kids are being fed.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Hello CC!

    I see that 14.01 AXEL landed with another fish!!  Is that #2 FISH, or the left over he claimed just eleven minutes ago.  I'm not really sure.  I thought it odd that MISTLE was getting her knickers in such a twist over a mere tail end!!  I've been running behind time in error so hadn't caught up to 14.01!

    14.03 AXEL has flown leaving a contented sounding MISTLE feeding the chicks.

    So it is possible that 13.50 AXEL left, and returned eleven  minutes later with what was possibly a brown trout, but I think we ned forensic eyes on it.  What an amazing boy!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/