Link to March/April 2022

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Laddie (LM12) and NC0 have continued their excellent partnership from last season, not only with the incubation of their three beautiful eggs but also in defending the nest, and area, from intruding Ospreys.

During the middle of this month, all being well, we will witness three gorgeous chicks hatching and being lovingly cared for by their wonderful parents. Here’s hoping that fine weather, abundant deliveries of fish from Laddie, as well as NC0’s feeding skills, will see the little ones thrive.

Nest Updates

Arrival dates:  Laddie - 13.3.22 (c12:00)   NC0 - 23.3.22 (18:14)

Three eggs laid:  Egg #1 - 12.4.22 (18:34)   Egg #2 - 15.4.22 (16:05)   Egg #3 - 18.4.22 (12:14)

Hatch dates:  Chick #1 - 19.5.22 (10:26) - 37 days   Chick #2 - 21.5.22 (03:24) - 36 days   Chick #3 - 23.5.22 (19:46) - 35 days


May Blogs and Updates:

Links to blogs and updates during March/April can be found here here

1.5.22: Blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes - Week 4

5.5.22: Recorded Webinar Event on 28.4.22 (2hr 9m) >>> Live from the Loch

7.5.22: Blog >>> Intruder Series: Ospreys

8.5.22: Blog >>> Osprey Diary Loch of the Lowes - Week 5

12.5.22: SWT YT Video >>> Two Ringed Intruders in One Morning!

14.5.22: Blog >>> Intruder Series – Egyptian Geese, Corvids, Canada Geese 

15.5.22: Blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes - Week 6 

16.5.22: Blog >>> Eggsellent Data from Loch of the Lowes!

18.5.22: Egg #1 - SWT YT Video >>> First signs of hatching

19.5.22: Blog >>> First chick hatches at Loch of the Lowes!

20.5.22: Blog >>> Osprey Chick #1’s First Day at Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Reserve

21.5.22: Blog >>> Second Osprey Chick Hatches at Loch of the Lowes!

23.5.22: Blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 7 (An eggsxciting week!)

23.5.22: Blog >>> Third osprey chick hatches at Loch of the Lowes!

26.5.22: Blog >>> A Special Guest on the Nest – Intruding Osprey ‘Rothiemurchus’ visits Loch of the Lowes

27.5.22: SWT YT Video >>> NC0 Partakes In Some Windy Gymnastics

29.5.22: PT4 settles at Kielder. Blog by Joanna Dailey >>> A new resident at Nest 8

29.5.22: Blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 8 (Chick-tastic and a Celebrity Guest!)

  • It has indeed been a wonderful day for this very special family. Long may it continue.
  • Sandra P said:

    22:51 NC0 off for a quick comfort break. Cam zoomed in on the chicks. Just look at #3 at the front! lol


    She wasn't gone long at all. There was a brief flash of white in the gap top right of the screen before she landed on the perch. She gave short vocals before coming back onto the nest. #2 looked towards her 


  • Glider said:
    It has indeed been a wonderful day for this very special family. Long may it continue.

    Indeed, Glider. Fingers crossed

  • Morning all,
    The remainder of the fish that Laddie took away last night was returned at 4:00 ish. NC0 did not get up from the chicks to feed and Laddie left it on the nest before leaving.

    He came back at 4:45ish, picked up the fish but NC0 then decided it was time for the chicks' breakfish

    All three chicks had bites to eat but, when #1 and #2 had turned away, #3 had an additional solo feeding

    The fish skin was still as tough as last night

    All the chicks were full as NC0 settled to incubate. .There was still some fish left over

    Just before 5:15, Laddie picked up the fish remains and took it off nest...

    but only to bring it back at 6:10ish.

    Chicks had another feed!

    Cam zoomed in

    NC0 eating some of the fish skin. #3 laying between #1 and #2 (closest to the cam)

    As she went to the chicks at the end of the feed, some remaining fish skin was attached to her talons

    BTW, all timings are extremely approximate!


  • 8:04ish Laddie to the nest with a long, twiggy stick

    He placed, and faffed around with it, at the back, left of the nest

    NC0 joined in with its placement

    NC0 preened

    Then Laddie left the nest


  • Just after 9am, and before NC0 headed off for a comfort break, #2 did a direct PS hit on her

    She came back and worked on the stick Laddie had brought in earlier

    Back to settle on the growing chicks


  • From scroll back. Laddie delivered a fish at 11:16ish. NC0 was off on a comfort break at the time and the chicks were snoozing

    NC0 back to the perch

    She took the fish from Laddie

    #3 up and received the first bite

    Laddie away

    #3 got another piece just as #2 roused


  • Both #1 and #2 were ready to be fed, #3 was relegated to the back

    Cam zoomed in. In age order from left to right

    Cam panned back out

    #1 turned away

    NC0 stopped feeding - Laddie could be heard chipping/alarm calling

    She moved the fish to the right side of the nest. Laddie could still be heard alarm calling but NC0 fed #1 regardless

    Back over to the other side and scanned the sky. 

    Then settled to brood the chicks at 11:41


  • Another busy morning on the nest thanks Sandra.

    The Lowes has tweeted that PT4 has found a mate and a nest at Kielder.

    She is bonding with Y1 (nest 8) whose mate didn’t return this year. There has been copulating and PT4 has been defending the nest from intruders! Too late for eggs this year but looking good for next year.(Kielder blog) Great news! Smiley
  • Another fish was delivered by Laddie at 14:10. Once again, super feeding from NC0!

    #2 was ready!

    When #1 and #3 joined in, the eldest actually waddled up to NC0 to get a bite. #3 at the back again 

    She was quite fidgety on the nest during the session (she changed her position twice) and went off for a 3 minute comfort break - perhaps she was desperate to to go to the 'toilet'? The fish was left at the back of the nest

    She could be seen flying over the Loch, behind the nest, and heading towards the birch area

    The chicks behaved themselves and waited patiently for NC0 to return

     When she came back, she continued where she had left off and fed the chicks some more Slight smile

    To #3

    To #1

    #2 decided it could manage a bit more!

    Three very full chicks!

    NC0 back to brooding at around 14:38
