Technical test thread 2011-forever

I thought I might bump up this thread which goes back to 2011 (it's been bumped before) and was started by the wonderful Tiger

It contains all sorts of useful info on technical problems, handy hints for inserting photos and links and, latterly, the fact that we seem to get 'notifications' that we can't get rid of (I'm up to 6).

If nothing else, another trip down memory lane.

  • I still get 404 but click community rop right is ok


  • Yes, that is the same for me Kate.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • To save burbling off-any-wildlife-related-topic in the Anything Goes thread, cos this is not within reason Rofl

    WendyBartter said:
    editing in moviemaker

    For the initial scanning and clipping I use VirtualDub2 - the developer, who took over from the original VirtualDub people, has sadly decided to discontinue support but it's still working in Win10, don't know about Win11 but I'm not getting that any time soon.

    BTW - re sticking with Windows 7... I use a prog by Stardock called "Start10", it turns one's desktop into, Win7, for all intents and purposes.  I'm right behind you in the Luddite stakes.  Well, I might be ahead - you know me and smart phones and touch screens Confounded

    VirtualDub2 - What I love, love, love about it is that it displays video virtually full-screen.  Plus, one can cut anywhere, not be restricted to "key frames" like MM, and, you can scroll backwards and forwards, and frame-by-frame both ways (as with MM, but VLC cannot do it backwards and they say it's too difficult to programme in).  Plus, it's got lots of options for changing contrast/saturation and loads of other things (hence my occasional "over-processed videos", sorry RICHARD but I forget to change settings for different sources sometimes).  Plus, you don't install it - you just click on the exe file and it opens, fully functional - while it's open you can right-click on the icon in the task bar and pin it, easy for opening next time.  Plus, you can have as many copies open as you like, tho I've never had more than three.

    Setting up can be a bit of a pain but once it's done you use only the features you need and it's very uncomplicated.

    However, it doesn't include fade transitions, so after cutting all the desired clips in VD2, I join them up in Movie Maker and then also can add captions.

    So it's all rather laborious, but I wouldn't be without VD2 for the world Heart  This is my 15" screen with it open for working on, but the video area can also be displayed full-screen but I haven't really found a need for that.

    I keep meaning to use the off-season to learn a more modern, sophisticated editor but I haven't found one with a big enough preview area and anyway can't galvanise myself...

    I bet there was something else I was going to say! Upside down

  • Many thanks Scylla

    scylla said:
    BTW - re sticking with Windows 7... I use a prog by Stardock called "Start10", it turns one's desktop into, Win7, for all intents and purposes

    ThinkingI'm almost tempted to upgrade to 10! 

    As for the rest of the info, shall have to read through at least 10 times to get it to stick ... I used to be so technically minded, then I got old! Disappointed relieved  But I really appreciate your efforts!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Snapp Wendy, quick read through and thought, what, eh!! I am not bad at IT and tekkie things, but don't use and do a lot of what Scylla does. Goodness knows how she does it all anyway! Always very grateful for all her hard work and effort, in keeping us up to date.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Has anyone else noticed the following for the past few days on this clunky site? When you pick a notification, it takes ages to open the post. You have to either wait, or if you hit notification again, it forces the 1st to open but the second is lost. You then have to go the main page to find and read it from there.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I don't have anything to do with notifications, CATLADY - which may account for my restricted awareness of what's going on!

    However, this'll bump your post up the list Blush

  • Me neither CL, our Linda may be the one to help?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Gosh how times change. Here is me looking for advice as to how I get my signature back?
  • Hazel b said:
    Here is me looking for advice as to how I get my signature back?

    We've had to go into our profile and re-set-up our signatures - since the RSPB messed up all links when they did a site rejig last year.

    I'm offline for some hours now.