Technical test thread 2011-forever

I thought I might bump up this thread which goes back to 2011 (it's been bumped before) and was started by the wonderful Tiger

It contains all sorts of useful info on technical problems, handy hints for inserting photos and links and, latterly, the fact that we seem to get 'notifications' that we can't get rid of (I'm up to 6).

If nothing else, another trip down memory lane.

  • I am in need of tuition on producing crystal clear images from live chat on you tube and also, if possible, zooming in and retaining clarity. I am ashamed of my self taught method I use now:

    1. Print screen after maximinising and freezing the live chat image (BTW your suggestion to reduce playback to 0.25 was invaluable!)

    2. Paste image ointo a word document with landscape orientation.

    3. Right click image and select 'save a picture'.I save it as a JPEG not the defailt option which I don't understand and can't remember. LOL!

    4. Open a 'post' box here, and select the file I have just created.

    Any suggestions would be greatfully appreciated!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • CRinger said:
    Any suggestions

    One suggestion that would get you started on the road to improving picture quality and/or changing sizes.

    - - - - - - -

    Create a folder for it in Downloads (I presume you don't have a partitioned drive with a separate data drive) and download into it IrfanView. - the 64-bit installer and the Plug-ins.  Instal IrfanView first, and during the process make it the default for IMAGES - then instal the plug-ins.

    Sit back and think "WTH do I do with this?!  Wait for me, and I'm going to be a long while cos am v v tired now.

    (IrfanView is a very, very long-established freebie for picture handling.  If you think it looks complicated, you should see Gimp, the most famous PhotoShop replacement for paupers. The idea is to get familiar with a very few features that you will use daily, and ignore all the rest.


  • You left me hangin!

    I have installed I think and wait for the next lesson!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • CRinger said:
    next lesson!

    1. Print screen after maximinising and freezing the live chat image (BTW your suggestion to reduce playback to 0.25 was invaluable!)  It wasn't my suggestion, I think it was SHEILA's.

    2. Paste image into IRFANVIEW.

    You pic will show in IrfanView.


    This box will appear - the check boxes I've circle/squared are probably defaults but make sure they are the same as this.

    For a full-screen screenshot, change the Width to 800:

    Save the result to your pictures folder, giving it a name if it doesn't have a suitable one from the capture process.

    All you've done is make it a size that is capable of showing detail but not too big for RSPB forum.

    To improve the quality of the pic, double click on it to open in IrfanView (cos you made that your default picture handler) and play with the following settings:

    The "Auto adjust colours" can occasionally be brilliant but often has no effect, it depends on the original.

    If you think you've made worthwhile changes, select File>>>Save (Original folder) and, unless you've changed the name, the "improved" pic will replace the original.

    This is just a start, I use other photo progs too, as some do some things better than others but I haven't found one that does it all for me - and by "all" I mean just the colour and sharpness.

  • Scylla!

    Thank you! ..... I think! LOL!

    Iwill play around tomorrow morning with an image when I get nice picture of sunrise!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Some advice required. I have been using my tablet while on holiday, and occasionally I check the LG live cam on YouTube. I used to be able to see the "chat", but have clearly clicked on something which has taken it away. Instead I get links to other cams and videos which YouTube considers are of interest to me. Has anyone any suggestion on how I can resume chat? Thanks in advance.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • When viewing smaller screen  live on my tablet I can see below the screen an option to click on 'live chat' so hope it's the same for you Sheila


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thank you for the suggestion, Wendy. I think I get that on my laptop, but sadly not on my Android tablet..

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Re the system's faulty QUOTE feature

    DUSTY (ex TREVOR) said:

    D A P said:
    Scylla You had this before with Alan or Tiger??
    D A P said:

    Can someone else check the Quote box  Or is t just Scylla's  box ?

    It was Tiger, and his always come out as Hazel b.  This is quoting CATLADY:

    Lynn L said:
    Oh I dunno anymore,

    I think it occurs with members who've changed their ID over time.

    The reason I said this needs to be discussed here is because it gets complicated. 

    If you don't often quote others' posts you may not have noticed that sometimes the quoted passage doesn't get enclosed in a shaded box like the ones above - this happens when there's a paragraph in the passage.

    Also that the quote never includes the date/time of the post, which it should do because it's included when you reply to a poster using RF - eg, here's what I see when I quote SHEILA's post above:

    But after posting, this is all we see:

    SheilaFE said:
    Thank you for the suggestion, Wendy. I think I get that on my laptop, but sadly not on my Android tablet..

    So if we wanted to refer back to Sheila's post for any rason - for example, to view the context - we'd have no choice but to scroll back page by page looking for it.


    Dusty, have you tried quoting one of your own posts and seeing how it comes out?  Or Tiger, or Catlady... you don't have to post, just see what name appears in the RF box when you select some text from their post and hit Quote.  Then you can hit the browser's back button to cancel out of it.

  • Thank you i have changed back Trevor
    Can't deal with it at the moment ???