Link to August 2021 to end of February 2022

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2021 return dates: LM12 (Laddie) - 21st March;  NC0(16) - 25th March

Laddie and NC0 were an exceptional team during 2021, successfully raising two very feisty and well fed juveniles, LR1 and LR2.  LR2 was sighted in Southern Spain on 3.9.21 and again on 25.10.21

2022 marks Laddie's 11th breeding year, NC0's 3rd, and very much hope that our wonderful pair have a safe, spring migration back to this stunning nest location at Loch of the Lowes. 


March/April Blogs and Updates

4.3.22: Blog (which includes a summary of the 2021 season with videos) >>> The countdown has begun...

13.3.22 c12:00: Laddie (LM12) arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> LM12 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

23.3.22 c18:14: NC0 arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> NC0 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

25.3.22: LotL Presentation >>> The Osprey Season: What can we expect?

31.3.22: Blog >>> Crowded House: Intruding Ospreys at Loch of the Lowes

5.4.22: Blog >>> When Will We Have Osprey Eggs at Loch of the Lowes?

12.4.22 c18:35: Egg #1  Blog >>> NC0 lays her first egg of 2022!

15.4.22 c16:05: Egg #2  Blog >>> NC0 has laid her second egg!

16.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 1 & 2 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

16.4.22: PT4(19) arrived back from migration.

Blog by Joanna Dailey (18.4.22) >>> Loch of the Lowes' PT4 returns to Kielder Forest

18.4.22 c12:14: Egg #3  Blog >>> NC0 lays her 3rd egg!

26.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 3 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

29.4.22: Blog >>> Meet Our Species Protection Officers at Loch of the Lowes

  • SWT video showing yesterday's intrusions from the unringed female

    A Morning of Intrusions

    Hoping it's a much more peaceful day for Laddie and NC0.  Breakfish is yet to be delivered

    I'm off to work, will try to peek in during my lunch break. BFN

  • Nothing much to report since this morning. The only thing I found when having a very quick scroll through the footage, was a brief alarm call from NC0 at 11:30ish. No intruder seen and Laddie didn't react

    13:04 NC0

    Laddie has just taken over incubation duties. NC0 off to the birch for a break. Still awaiting the first fish delivery. BFN


  • It appears to have been a relatively calm afternoon, thank goodness.

    Laddie delivered a large, headless fish to NC0 at 16:04ish

    She took it off to the birch

    16:35 Laddie continuing to incubate


  • 20:10 NC0 returned to the nest, with the tail end of fish in her left talons

    Laddie left the nest

    Laddie returned shortly after to try to claim the fish

    I'm not sure if NC0 couldn't release the fish from her talons or she wouldn't let Laddie take it

    Off he went again

    He headed round from left to right, passing by the nest

    NC0 finally released the fish from her talons, left it on the side and went to the edge of the nest cup...

    ...she slipped into it!

    She got herself settled

    20:20 Laddie returned and claimed the fish on his 2nd attempt - he was pretty quick about it too! lol

    He picked it up in his beak

    And, after making sure he had a grip of it, flew off with the fish in his beak.


  • 20:47ish Laddie came into view, flying low close to the left side of the nest

    He headed downwards, behind the trees, and he could be seen dipping his toes (twice) in the Loch before heading to the birch


    21:18 Just before night cam came on

    There was a Barn Owl screech at 20:20 just after Laddie came back to the nest

    He flew off after a 2 minute or so visit


  • Morning all

    Laddie's already completed an incubation duty after taking over at 5:10

    6:35ish NC0 returned to the perch and then to the nest cup

    This was her at 7:05


  • 7:49 Laddie in with nesting material. He stayed with NC0 for a couple of minutes before leaving

    A check of the eggs...

    Back down to incubate

    Off to work. BFN


  • So many llovely captures and reports SANDRA Thank you
  • You're very welcome, Patily!

    I haven't scrolled through this morning's footage so hoping all has been well at the nest.

    Laddie delivered a headless fish at 12:40ish

    She picked it up in her beak

    She took it, in her left talons, to the birch

    Cam zoomed (approx 13:07)



  • A continuation from lunchtime...

    While the cam was on birch zoom, Laddie flew from the nest (approx. 13:09)

    Cam panned back to the nest

    Zoom of the eggs

    The eggs were alone for about 10 minutes until NC0 returned at approx. 13:20

    14:47ish Laddie returned. NC0, I think, was expecting a fish with the way she was calling and also rose from the nest cup

    She settled back down.

    He flew off after spending a couple of minutes with her (he did some preening while there)

    At 15:30ish, he returned with a small fish

    NC0 picked it up in her beak

    Then transferred it into her left talons

    She headed to the birch

    16:12 Laddie still on incubation duty

    Time for a cuppa! lol
