Link to August 2021 to end of February 2022

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2021 return dates: LM12 (Laddie) - 21st March;  NC0(16) - 25th March

Laddie and NC0 were an exceptional team during 2021, successfully raising two very feisty and well fed juveniles, LR1 and LR2.  LR2 was sighted in Southern Spain on 3.9.21 and again on 25.10.21

2022 marks Laddie's 11th breeding year, NC0's 3rd, and very much hope that our wonderful pair have a safe, spring migration back to this stunning nest location at Loch of the Lowes. 


March/April Blogs and Updates

4.3.22: Blog (which includes a summary of the 2021 season with videos) >>> The countdown has begun...

13.3.22 c12:00: Laddie (LM12) arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> LM12 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

23.3.22 c18:14: NC0 arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> NC0 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

25.3.22: LotL Presentation >>> The Osprey Season: What can we expect?

31.3.22: Blog >>> Crowded House: Intruding Ospreys at Loch of the Lowes

5.4.22: Blog >>> When Will We Have Osprey Eggs at Loch of the Lowes?

12.4.22 c18:35: Egg #1  Blog >>> NC0 lays her first egg of 2022!

15.4.22 c16:05: Egg #2  Blog >>> NC0 has laid her second egg!

16.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 1 & 2 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

16.4.22: PT4(19) arrived back from migration.

Blog by Joanna Dailey (18.4.22) >>> Loch of the Lowes' PT4 returns to Kielder Forest

18.4.22 c12:14: Egg #3  Blog >>> NC0 lays her 3rd egg!

26.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 3 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

29.4.22: Blog >>> Meet Our Species Protection Officers at Loch of the Lowes

  • Is this worrying, the amount of times NCO refuses mating? I’ve noticed it quite a few times before today as well.
  • So strange. Don't know what to think.
  • Glider said:
    Is this worrying, the amount of times NCO refuses mating? I’ve noticed it quite a few times before today as well.

    I've seen females sometime refuse to mate (with their bonded partner) when an egg is imminent.  Like Cathy, I'm finding it all so strange. Maybe there are too many intruders or disturbances around to make her feel settled? I witnessed Laddie on three occasions this afternoon go goose chasing - all within 10 minutes (15:17-15:27).

    Edit: Does anyone else have any thoughts?

  • 19:55 Laddie to the nest with a clump of dried grass. NC0 above the cam calling

    He has a displaced tail feather

    He flew off at 19:58


  • I've had a little search around and the refusal to mate 'may' be due to Laddie not providing enough fish for NC0. The female needs to be certain that the male can maintain supply not only for her but future chicks as well; in other words, proving he is a worthy partner. 

    We always 'say' to the male when a pair meet up after their migration, "Go get her a fish...!"  As an example, Mrs G refused Aran to mate with her this evening, perhaps if he'd had a fish with him, she may have been more accepting. Anyway, they're just my thoughts. lol

  • Thanks for looking that up Sandra, it could be a reason then. It seems to me that most of the fish caught at the Lowes are small in comparison to those caught at other sites e.g. Rutland, Clywedog. Maybe she needs more deliveries? You’re also right about all of the disruptions around the nest. The bats seem to be a frequent occurrence as well as geese, ravens and intruders to contend with. Whatever it is, I hope it sorts itself out and our pair manage to lay and raise chicks. I loved watching the success of LR1 and 2 last year.
  • You're welcome, Glider. I'm also now wondering if this is why NC0 is delaying laying her first egg? She's forever fish calling!

    Yes, it was wonderful to watch last season, so pleased you were able to enjoy it too! :)

  • Skydancing could be heard just before NC0 landed on the nest as well as while she was on there (5:25ish).

    Laddie arrived and there appeared to be a successful mating


  • NC0's been sitting since 7:36

    Edit: I have a very busy day ahead but will pop on when I can. BFN


  • Two matings this morning at 05.25 and 06.10, not seen any fish though.