Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 February 2022

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  • ps. Yes, where are Clare & Limpy?
  • Didn’t mean to go missing – things just got in the way. We did order new chairs – for the three of us – delivery in about four weeks.

    J has been unwell for a couple of days but seems better today. I have also been rather “off colour” but can’t identify any specific symptoms.

    Weather still very variable – some lovely sunny days but today is misty and drizzly. OH is busy cleaning the kitchen.

    LINDA – I hope your first weekend of the year will be enjoyable, with reasonable weather. More good flower pictures – love hellebores.; we have a lot of daffodils blooming now, but still some crocus and iris.

    PAT – sorry church pancakes were disappointing; J cooked ours as usual and they were excellent.

    ANNETTE – sorry to read about your Daughter’s fractured hip; I do hope she will heal quickly.

    DIANE – good to hear from you. Sorry you are so busy with paperwork again.

    Sorry I can’t reply to everyone, but have enjoyed the happier news from you all and noted problems for thoughts and prayers.

  • Lindy, your camellias and snowdrops are beautiful, and I hope spring cleanup is easy for you. Have a good trip to Wales. Still snow here, but the daffodils are trying their best anyway. Everything seems to be getting busier and busier here now the virus is lifting.

    <hand wave> to everyone, and wishes for feeling better soon.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Here are some 'edited highlights' from an e-mail I have just received from my friend in Australia. I am so relieved to hear from her, although it sounds as though the area has been badly damaged.

    Being at the headwaters, water runs off here so we don't get flooded as such but these rains have led to multiple landslides, including damaging 6+ houses. Thankfully no-one was hurt. One man can thank his guardian angels as when his house was shifted 20-30 metres in a landslide, his fridge door fell open and gave him light to escape the building. There's a tragic loss of property and one near neighbour has large cracks in the earth around his home and I don't know if it will ever be safe there again. People have banded together and are very resourceful. Our community has been cut off for a week but still have food in the pantries and gardens and are cooking communal meals. My little dry foods shop has been valuable. Our solar is working after several days of nonstop rain - over a metre of rain, water is back, our road will be open tomorrow after being cut all week. The wider community has been devastated by the worst floods in recorded history.

    So pleased to hear from her, but it sounds as though the clean-up will take some time.
  • Gosh, Pat - what a tale! Hope it can all be back to normal for most people soon, but how awful to lose your home.

    We are safely arrived here in Wales after a very wet journey, and are now waiting for the heating to kick in and warm us up. Of course, it's quite damp and cold having been empty all winter. Have brought an M&S pie to heat up with some greens, so no ardous cookery tonight.
  • Yes, where is Clare? As far as I can tell, she hasn't posted on any forum since February 5, but I'm not sure my detection methods are solid....
  • PAT - I was relieved to read your friend’s report. I wasn’t sure how much to say with the floods so bad in some places. Homes & businesses destroyed, people have died. But some incredible rescues – a 93-year-old floating on a mattress 30 cm from her ceiling was saved. A very pregnant woman ferried to safety by a neighbour in a tiny boat, then he went back to fetch her toddler.

    ANNETTE - I can understand your Dau wanting to “get up & go”; so frustrating for her. The bridge at Woodburn where 50 people spent the night before being rescued, is the “higher ground” that the locals always use in floods.

    OG – With an order for 3 chairs they should be anxious get them done & delivered. You can only hope for no delays.

    Dau emailed a video of her 2 “close contact” kids doing the health hustle dressed as sea slugs.[????] MissL, back at school, brought home a collection of books. Dau writes “I forgot how much I hate kids' joke books”..MissJ was reading out “all the funny ones, as in every single one”.

  • Just a thought

    Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see. (Confucius)

  • Good Morning. A damp and drizzly start here but supposed to be drier later.

    My OH was relieved to find that the central heating works OK as we had had problems with it at the end of the season last year. There are many people here this week - all glad to get away for a change of scene no doubt. I was woken by the Bin Men who come early here, and its so quiet normally that it really breaks the silence. Bonnie is ecstatic to be bounding around on the beach.
  • Wet start, but now some sunshine. A day for "regrouping" with normal activities and no cleaning. J is much better and walked to town for breakfast - still no job hours on offer.

    Phoned Adjustamatic re lack of paperwork - apparently details were posted yesterday and delivery confirmed as last week in March. They remove all the old furniture so we don't have to worry about getting it to the tip.

    CC - Waving back! Glad you have some signs of spring among the snow.

    PAT - glad your friend down under has made contact - sounds horrendous where she is, but glad she is okay.

    LINDA - glad you arrived safely despite the rain - thinking of Bonnie dashing about in excitement. Pleased about the heating working - if only to dry wet dog!
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