Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 February 2022

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  • Procrastination is the greatest labour-saving invention of all time.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem. (Jimmy Buffett) 

    A compromise is an arrangement whereby people who can’t get what they want make sure nobody else does either.

  • Good Morning. A pretty pink sky here, 'the calm before the storm' as a big windy event predicted tonight.

    AQ - I specially like the last quote. So true.

    What a drama over P. Andrew - bet P. Charles will never forgive him for all this. At least its now not going to blow up in the summer and spoil Her Majestys well deserved celebrations.

    We've been struggling with an awkward family problem which has no signs of ever being resolved happily <sigh>
  • LINDA - Family problems can be difficult but remind yourself 'tis better than no family.

    Tonight's TV is Tony Robinson and the Thames by night. I've finished my library books and I have 2 waiting to be collected. I shall delay until Friday in case the third arrives. All from other than my own local library and it can take weeks sometimes for the courier to transport them. By then I may have forgotten why I was so interested LOL.

  • Started a new regime of bedtime and get-up time to fit J’s work programme – looks as if he will do some work-shadowing next week at the academy, but the list hasn’t gone out to schools yet – county still have to learn how to spell his name! Tomorrow he has a neck ultrasound (well, I think that’s what it is) at the hospital, and wants to do some shopping in Dumfries while he is there – apparently hail included in forecast!

    HEATHER – didn’t realise the Danes’ visit was soon – hope they can travel in current weather! Enjoy the visit – remember they are coming to see you not to look for dust bunnies – in other words, don’t wear yourself out!

    ANNETTE – strange weather – a world phenomenon. So, your Daughter’s return home is going ahead at last – good that her Daughter can take time off to see her settled in after what must be about four months. Can understand you wanting to get over there next week – but do take care!

    AQ – sorry about OH’s cancelled birthday lunch with Daughter. Hope the twins will both be okay. Enjoyed the quotes. I must admit to buying some books – mostly autobiography – partly because library hours are so restricted. At least I know that J will also read them too, and not a big expense as I wait till they are reduced price!

    LINDA – agree about P Andrew. I see York wants D of Y title removed – Inverness likewise. Sorry your family disagreement continues – our daughters are still not communicating, but I had a good phone conversation with the one up north even though she knows I still communicate with her Ex’s wife.

    J is home from a walk to town (breakfast) and it has started drizzling and blowing. No plans for today; intending to print some archived photos to use on birthday cards – in order to use up leftover blank cards.
  • OG - please be careful up there: I just read the severe weather warnings for tonight and it sounds scary.

    (Our family problem is a new one and looks like its not going to be easy ..... ugh)
  • Have some hyacinths out, which fill the room with their divine smell.

  • LINDA - impressive Hyacinth - lovely to look at even thogh I daren't sniff the scent! Sorry the family problem is a new one hope the previous one was resolved.
  • PS - GD#2 is spending half term week back home with her parents - now testing negative and with just a slight cough.
  • Morning all:

    AQ:  My OH is a firm believer in all of those sayings.  It's quite frustrating coz I'm at the other end of that particular spectrum.   Hope your OH won't have to wait too long for his lunch.

    Lindybird: Sorry about the new family problem; hope you can avoid being caught up in it too much. How is Sue handling the fact that she's sacrificing her deposit on that cruise? It does sound quite manageable, what with vaccine requirements, a smallish group - and all that crisp Scandinavian air!   Our County has dropped the mask mandate today, but quite a few folks are wondering if it's too soon and will continue.  

    OG:  It's been three months to the day since daughter went into hospital; she's able to get around but they don't want her left alone for the first week or so.  I won't be going there until next Tuesday at the earliest - I think.   :-)

    Heather:  When are the Danes arriving?  I seem to recall you saying that the gentleman involved could be somewhat curmudgeonly in terms of how things are done?  How long are they staying?

    I got a lot of paperwork/phone calls sorted yesterday so will work in the garden later.  Temperature seems to have moderated thank heaven.

  • Just a thought

    The best portion of a good man’s life is his little nameless, unencumbered acts of kindness and of love. (Wordsworth)

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