Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 February 2022

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  • Hello everyone. Thanks to Diane for starting us off again and glad to see she is recovering from her illness.

    Belated Happy Birthday Annette and I;m sure the living room must have looked lovely with all those birthday flowers.-always welcome whatever the occasion..

    OG - pleased to hear that you have less pain and are feeling a little better. Weather like you said always makes you feel miserable. Pleased to learn that J has been successful.
    Heather - smoked salmon pate sounds delicious espescially homemade.

    Well , I am gradually getting used to being on my own so to speak although dau still lives at home so has been a rock during these sad days. We gave my OH a lovely send off and had the Gathering (hate the word Wake) at our local cricket club where he had been involved for a number of years. Quite a few of the lads, plus family and friends came along. Just got to go through his things and slowly dispose of them. Probably send all his clothes to our local Hope Centre or the Salvation Army to dispose of them how they will. That's a job in the near future.

    Well, it isn't too long before the new season gets underway, let's hope we have some visitors to LG.

    Try and stay well and safe.

  • Lynette:  Good to hear from you and pleased that you, your family and your OH's friends were able to give  him a lovely send off.  Does your daughter live with you permanently?  Regardless, it's great that she's around.to make the transition just a little easier.  Hugs from here.

    Lindybird;  What a cutie you were - I'm sure you haven't changed that much!

  • Phew! What a day! Dau to dentist. Moi to supervise home schooling plus change one bed & 2 loads of washing. So hot that first load was dry by the time I was ready to hang second. Oh, I washed some dishes too. Overseeing Twins - maths - write numbers by 10s and English - “describe a <picture of cat on page>”. Only I didn’t realize that they should be putting the adjectives in sentences. Whoops. Tears later when Dau organized a re-do. Meanwhile Miss10 is happily working through 100 each of additions, subtractions, etc. After lunch twins had an engineering project - 1 Plan, 2 Design, 3 Build a tower from bricks, 4 answer questions (in a sentence) “What would you do different”. Miss10 is now watching a video by a music teacher burbling on about music? She writes stuff on a whiteboard but it is out of view of camera. Ho Hum. I fold & get rid of first load of washing. Depart. On way home I pull over to ring Dau as it is starting to rain & her 2nd load will get wet. Home, OH is lonely, wants to chat. I sleep for 1½ hours. Thank goodness, tea is from freezer.
  • You know what I like most about people? Pets. (Jarod Kintz)

    Don’t worry. I drive, the dog texts. (bumper sticker)

    No one appreciates the special genius of your conversation as a dog does. (Christopher Morley

  • Lynette - Good to hear that things went well. It's a whirl of activity organising and attending a funeral, but suddenly very quiet afterwards. I'm glad you have your daughter to keep you company and get used to your new 'normal.'

    AQ - You certainly had a busy day. It sounds as if you strived to keep it all organised- daughter must be very grateful. I would have slept afterwards, too!!

    OG - Sorry you're suffering a cold, now. No fun. Good that J is going to be busy again.

    Annette, Amber caught it at school. There are many cases at her school and apparently many schools at present. However, thankfully children seem to shake it off without too much trouble.

  • Pat O said:
    Lindy - I'm sure you haven't changed a bit!

    Ha ha!!   I'm unrecognisable, now, I'm sure!! It seems a whole lifetime ago, which of course, it is. I was so delicate and skinny, they were always trying to feed me! Now I can see glimmers of myself in little Rosie :-)

  • Heather, my mouth is still watering at the thought of that salmon pate.....
  • LYNETTE Glad to hear that all went well.
  • LINDY - it's a recipe from a Good Housekeeping cook book that we've used for years.( Book and recipes !) Smoked salmon, melted unsalted butter, single cream and freshly squeezed lemon juice. We usually make our own melba toast to go with it. A whizz in the food processor and Bobs your Uncle.
    AQ - what a busy day for you, but I know that you love helping out where you can.
  • OG Pleased to hear J is doing well.

    LINDY Such a disappointment for you. A friend of mine has just tested positive on the day she and her OH were meant to be driving down to see his parents who they haven't seen since pre Covid.

    Was listening to Jeremy Vine and people who have met the Queen. One chap was wearing a purple kilt when he met her and she remarked how jolly he looked. Those few words said many years ago have given him lovely memories for the rest of his life.....how good is that.
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