Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 December 2021

Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays to everyone!

December 18-19 is the last Full Moon of 2021. The moon turns full on 19 December at 04:35 UTC. You can insert your own town or city into the search box HERE to find your exact time. 

This Full Moon is just two days before the Solstice, which occurs on 21 December at 15:59 UTC. You can insert your own town or city into the search box HERE to find your exact time. The Solstice marks the Northern Hemisphere's shortest day (first astronomical day of winter) and the Southern Hemisphere's longest day (first astronomical day of summer).

I’m gratefully celebrating the return of the light and longer days!

AQ: I’m not forgetting you. Happy Summer Solstice to you. I very much hope the temperatures will be kinder to you and your family.

A halo and a sundog over Bunsen Peak in Yellowstone National Park
NPS/Diane Renkin
Photo labeled “Public domain” (copyright free)

  • AQ, those girls seem like remarkable young ladies! So happy they are so keen to learn!

    I guess our emergency briefings also have ASL interpreters, but I was so absorbed in trying to understand the AUSLAN!

    aquilareen said:
    MissJ immediately began reading her book (about a girl who can talk to zoo animals). As well as a craft, a puzzle & a fiction book, I always give each a “fact” book (astronomy, nature, atlas, etc. etc). I did not have time this year to search far and grabbed a book on the Periodic Table for Miss10. Success!!! She spent the rest of the afternoon telling us facts & figures of chemical elements. Dau says she is still absorbed this morning!

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Dibnlib - you must have a lot of patience to get through such a detailed puzzle.

    AQ - So pleased that things went well. I'm sure all the girls were thrilled with their goodies. Some children seem to love jigsaws - I know I did. Others just don't have the temperament (See my remark to Dibnlib, above!)
  • Finally finished our tree yesterday. Disappointed that it doesn't smell of fir tree: someone said that maybe that's because they spray them to stop them dropping.  My OH had to fight it in from the garden through the conservatory door, where it obligingly dropped a whole lot of small spiky bits all over the steps. Of course, now we and 4 footed dog are all walking these tiny green things into the house every time we use the door. Hence my OH getting the broom out.


    It is a good job we have a decent sized dining table. This jigsaw takes up a lot of space but we still have room for us to eat there too.
  • Lindybird;  Maybe your pretty tree will smell once it's been in the house for a day or two? Have fun with the pine needles (if they do spray them, doesn't seem like it works).  :-)

    OG:  Sounds like the worst is over?  

    CC/dibnlib/AQ:  I find jigsaw puzzles very relaxing (not so much when little people are involved).  :-)  

    Diane: Got a fab view of the full moon yesterday morning when I tottered out to the kitchen to get my first cup of coffee and it was shining right down on the kitchen counter.  :-)

    We seem to have a perfect storm of plumbing problems today:  Toilet in my bathroom won't drain; the tank in the toilet in OH's bathroom won't fill all the way and the handle is wobbly, the thermostat regulator on the shower in my bathroom has gone kerpooey after weeks of being strange (but who had time to sort it out then!)  and now there's water showing up in the bathtub in my bathroom.  What next, I ask.  Well maybe I won't ask!  :-)  Plumber is giving us a callback re schedule.... Oh joy.

  • Kerpooey? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We used to say "gone kerpooey" Don't know where it comes from!

    Sorry to hear about all the plumbing probs, Annette. At least you seem to gave a tame plumber to call. They're in short supply here, it seems. Everyone is cursing the fact that there were not enough young people encouraged to go for plumbing or electrical careers, a few years ago: they can all name their price, now.

    Been to visit Sue and help her to get little Toffee into a new dog harness. She was unsure of which way up it goes!! My OH enjoyed some home made mince pies, especially as I don't like them, so he had twice as many!
  • Thank you Diane for starting us off. Love the card.

    Had the paramedics out after ringing 111, yesterday, but when they came and did an assessment it turned out not to be a heart attack but more gastro related. He is weak and has spent the day in bed. We are awaiting appointments for tests and a cat scan so it is the waiting game. He's so uncomfortable with it as he's not usually ill and hates it. Somehow we will get through it and come out the other side. Just a bit worrying until we know what we are facing.

    So are you now home Annette or still up at dau's..

    Just watched the clip, Limpy. Oh dear good job they managed to get it away from her. Its a deadly spider I think.

    Dibnlib - Sooner you than me with that jigsaw - what a difficult one!!
  • Lindybird said:
     They're in short supply here, it seems. Everyone is cursing the fact that there were not enough young people encouraged to go for plumbing or electrical careers, a few years ago: they can all name their price, now.

    Plumbers, electricians, welders, and other workers are in short supply in the U.S., too. That's what happens when a society demeans and disrespects working people. The U.S. economy will suffer for this country's classism.