Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 December 2021


I hope everyone has a safe, serene, healthy week! 

  • Annette: I'm okay, thanks! bjane has had it worse than I have today, and I hope she's safe. The new storm has been declared a derecho, and I'm sure it's bringing back terrible memories for her of last year's devastation.

    My power has been out off and on today. I'll come back tomorrow and do proper replies. Best wishes to your daughter. 

  • To those interested in Aussieland’s eastern states’ mouse plague – It seems to be over at last. The La Nina weather that has caused floods & major crop damage, together with baiting, has prevented the expected spring mouse surge.

    My Trio-sitting half day was not bad. We played an animal noises bingo game which I had no trouble losing, I folded washing, made sandwiches for lunch and was entertained by their chatter. Dau returned in time for her sandwich. The worst part was the pre-χmas traffic to & fro (50 mins each way) with tail-gaiters and others cutting in, not that they get anywhere much quicker.

  • If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I’d have had them first. (Lois Wyse)

    Grandma is my name, spoiling is my game.

    My favourite people call me Grandma.

  • Good Morning. Didn't know there was more bad weather heading across USA, glad to hear that everyone is OK.

    AQ - Sounds like a successful babysit. I expect they were excited to see you, whatever the entertainment turned out to be! I too, hate the tailgaters and those who seem to think that their journey is more important than anyone else's.

    Annette - No fun having bits of skin removed. I hope it heals fast. Also hope that you're able to get things shipshape again at home, now you're back.

    My OH is off to golf late this time, & will be back for a late lunch. Gives me chance to get a lot done!
  • Sitting in my bed,reading, eating chocolate and listening to Classic fm ! At some point I'll get moving and start putting baubles on the Christmas tree....
  • Hi All!

    Heather your morning routine sounds like bliss!

    I am still working but from home - although I did go in yesterday as the boss was off and may be in one day next week as well. I much prefer being in the office but we have been advised to work from home if we can.

    I still need to get out early on Saturday to get the last of my Grandchildrens presents - and see what food is in the shops as it looks like I will be on my own again this year as the figures are really bad and set to get worse.

    Have a good rest of week all

  • Sensible to keep to yourself, Harelady. The figures and the warnings are certainly beginning to look as if we are in for another dramatic "up" on the dreaded graphs. We are already discussing alternatives to our plans to go & visit our Eldest just after Christmas. Its not worth risking our health even to see loved ones, if things are bad.
  • Family have decided that if permitted, we'll go ahead with our Boxing Day meal. Everyone will do a lateral flow test before coming here. Eldest daughter brought me another two boxes of tests yesterday so that I can test, also. All my family test themselves frequently and we are all vaccinated - (Callum still only one jab, though. I give up !) I'm the oldest ( obviously !) and am fortunate in that I have no health issues at all. Eldest daughter has a repaired heart from childhood and granddaughter Amy has Type 1 diabetes. Both of them have continued with work etc.

  • Heather, your plan sounds very sensible. Rapid tests all around right before gathering ensures no one is infectious. If everyone is careful about their exposure just ahead of testing themselves, all should be fine. I wish you a warm Boxing Day family gathering!

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