WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey). SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 2021

Wishing everyone a good week.   As for myself, I'm suffering from an overdose of The Disney Channel.......

  • DIANE - thanks for looking in - very impressive eclipse. I hope the proejct is nearing it's conclusion and you can sleep well tonight.

    AQ - I messaged garden man yesterday to say his call is a week overdue - no reply, so guess I will have to try a different one. Urgghgh! Glad next door drive looks a bit more acceptable now it has dried. Enjoy family visit.

    LINDA - I hope your journey went well and you are enjoying time with family - hope they have all done their covid tests!

    There is a town "switch on" this afternoon - entertainment, bazaar, man in red and lights when it starts to go dark - too much rsik, methinks, but if people will do it, hope it's not risking other people. I am supposed to be deciding whether I will go to church tomorrow as no rain forecast - very apprehensive. I am quite relieved that Monday will be wet as I am supposed to be taken for a "dry run" re lunch out ready to do same when painters come the following week - I would prefer just to have sandwiches for both meals when we can't use kitchen or dining room.
  • Hi, all. I will start the new thread tonight, but it will be an hour or two later than I normally do it. Hope you're all having a good weekend!
  • My goodness, where does the time go. I have had a quick run through the last few days so am up to date with most of your news.

    I have had a 2000 piece jigsaw on the table for weeks now and I very much doubt it will be finished before the new year. It is a good job we have a decent sized dining table and can still use it for eating as well.
  • Just think - this time in three weeks it will all be over ...
  • PAT, you wrote "Just think - this time in three weeks it will all be over ..."

    How sad. I love Christmas.

  • It's not that I don't enjoy Christmas - I do. But it's the build-up that is so frantic and that's what I don't enjoy. Actually, on Christmas morning I will be calm and serene and prepared to have a lovely day. Unfortunately 'home alone' again because of rising infection rates and my sister being extremely vulnerable, so not taking any chances. But I am already planning the sort of day I rarely get the chance to enjoy. Should have explained that before my earlier post ... I'm not being Scrooge, honestly!