WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey). SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 2021

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  • Ah, Annette - I'm not firing on all cylinders at present. We've not heard from Awful Cousin (Canada) for ages, but it doesn't mean she won't ring up for a chummy chat at some point over the festive season. She apparently feels as if we were all bosum buddies years ago, but can't have a very good memory as I had only heard of her just in passing, for the 1st 30 years of our marriage. Then when she lost some friends and relatives over the pond, she suddenly turned back to the UK and remembered us all!!

    My OH has fought with his new phone but does seem to be determined to work out how it works. He said today that he wanted one as he was concerned it might be a problem with travel and holidays in the future. Not going to disagree with that!
  • Ah, Annette - I'm not firing on all cylinders at present. We've not heard from Awful Cousin (Canada) for ages, but it doesn't mean she won't ring up for a chummy chat at some point over the festive season. She apparently feels as if we were all bosum buddies years ago, but can't have a very good memory as I had only heard of her just in passing, for the 1st 30 years of our marriage. Then when she lost some friends and relatives over the pond, she suddenly turned back to the UK and remembered us all!!

    My OH has fought with his new phone but does seem to be determined to work out how it works. He said today that he wanted one as he was concerned it might be a problem with travel and holidays in the future. Not going to disagree with that!
  • Agree with you there, Pat. Customers are just a nuisance Grr...

    Its not as cold here, but it's wet which makes it feel chilly. <sigh> Heather, I don't understand my OH as sometimes he complains of the cold but in the winter he pads downstairs and lets the dog out before making a pot of tea, all in just his boxers & t shirt! He has a warm dressing gown, bought by me, which he only seems to use at weekends.
  • Looking back, I can see the Repeat Post gremlin is here again!
  • Another Friday? Been a long week! Took time out from here to finish Christmas cards – OH will post this afternoon, so I won’t have to see them here any more! Haven’t received any more since the one last month from Daughter up north – thought maybe that was to leave me out of sight and out of mind till next year, but she did email a couple of days ago with her plans for having both sons for Christmas – a bit odd since she hasn’t been seeing people since the beginning of covid (still working from home).

    J went for his covid booster yesterday and a flu jab too when he told them he lives with me. He seems fine today, no reaction. And will be cleaning the kitchen this afternoon. E-E finished painting the wet-room walls before lunch.

    LINDA – glad you are feeling stronger, but sorry about the knees, I hope the knee problem can be identified and helped. I hope your OH will soon get the hang of the new phone! Not actually wet here, but damp and chilly. Birds are getting hungrier – or maybe just greedier – and mice too!

    CC – glad you found good people to help when your battery went flat.

    PAT – glad your procedure happened at last – and “chauffeur” was available for the change of time.

    AQ – black front “garden”? Not very wise. At least you don’t have to look at it over the fence!

    Think I am going to the lounge now for some afternoon TV (well, actually recorded evening TV). Moderately pleased with the sound bar, but it can’t see me switching from my chair, so I am not as independent as I would like.
  • Hey, folks. Quick post (I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight to finish my project). 

    The moon turns new tomorrow morning at 7:43 a.m. in UK. There will be a total solar eclipse visible from Antarctica. People located at the southernmost tips of South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand will experience the partial phases. I don't know whether any institution will be able to livestream the total eclipse in Antarctic conditions or whether anyone will stream the partial, but the link below has info about the eclipse. 

    AQ: I  don't know whether you can see any of it at your home. 


    Hope you all are well! I will start the new thread tomorrow.

    EDIT:  NASA will livestream the total solar eclipse on YouTube. The link is here. It's a NASA site so it's safe. 


  • GOOD LUCK in finishing it, DIANE!! Thanks for the info.
  • DIANE – I’ve sent you lots of energy to finish your project. Adelaide appears to be too far north for eclipse.

    The phone “service” I hate the most is “please leave your name & phone no and we shall call you back”. So I wait around, not doing anything messy, dare not leave the house, nor have a shower nor start getting a meal, etc, etc and wait for hours & hours. Recently a Friday pm call was not responded to until I rang again Monday morn. Sweary words are not enough!

    As it dried, Next Doors black concrete faded to a dark grey with speckles - terrazzo is now the fashion as is grey of varying shades. I think OH’s fingers were itching last night to go out and inscribe initials….

    Dau phoned to suggest she & appendages visit this arvo. As she is so busy with end-of-school-year and pre-χmas panic, I suggested waiting until we see them in 2 weeks time. I was defeated by her reply that she hadn’t seen her Dad for a while. A frantic rush to clean what I neglected while transporting OH to various medical this week. No chance of my nanny nap. OH is snoozing while I rearrange dust, find cheese & bics, etc.

  • Dust is a protective coating for fine furniture. (Mario Buatta)

    The Dust Bunnies killed my Cleaning Fairy.

    I feel I should clean the house. So I’m going to lie down and nap until that feeling passes. [I wish!]

  • Good Morning. Still dark here and my OH has had to wake me, as we're off to visit our Youngest & Family today.

    AQ - sympathies on having to rush around and clean. I find we're not as clean as we used to be pre covid, as there are few visitors over the doorstep now. Consequently if there is a sudden visitor, I'm rushing to hide/tidy/clean up. I hope you can enjoy their visit.
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