HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY FULL MOON and HAPPY PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE The moon turns full and the partial lunar eclipse occurs on the night through morning of 18-19 November. For exact times for your house, insert your area/town/city in the box on this page of the Time and Date website.Everyone have a joyful, serene week!!!
Hey, folks. There was a massive, global outage at Google Cloud over the last day (Tuesday). Up to 30,000 major sites/platforms/services were affected. That failure affected many of the largest websites on the web. It's my understanding that the big sites are recovering now, but some bugginess remains. I'm just posting this so if any of you had Internet trouble over the last day or so, you can be relieved that it probably wasn't your personal equipment to blame.INFO HEREAnnette: I have no idea whether your trouble is related to this.
Just a thought
You’re off to great places, today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way. (Dr Seuss)