Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 November 2021

Happy New Week!

I hope everyone has a healthy, happy week. 

  • LYNETTE: I'm so very sorry about your diagnosis. I hope the drug helps you.
  • Good grief Lynette:  Glad they found what's ailing you.  Don't worry about replying; it's always good to see you.  Just take care of yourself.

  • Lynette: Prayers for you and hopefully a treatment plan to get you on a road to recovery!
  • Diane: Just watched Dragon take off. I never get tired of watching these launches! :-)
  • Thank you LINDA, KATE, CC, ANNETTE. Curious, don’t think of myself as a carer; it’s just something I feel I have to do.

    Interesting to read your tricks & techniques to deal with sleeplessness. Mine are camomile tea and/or read for ½ hour. They don’t work every time.

    LYNETTE – Oh darn, not the diagnosis you want to hear. But now treatment can start. Best wishes.

    Today’s drama. OH admits he still has toothache, he can’t eat & panadol not helping. Dentist did say it was one of 2 teeth & only had time to attempt one. I’m on the phone at 9.05; earliest appt is tomorrow morn. To feed OH I have made a veggie soup with split peas, lentils, potato, onion & carrot and mushed it to a thick liquid. He has had a bowl for lunch & another for afternoon tea. More left for evening meal, or perhaps scrambled eggs? Light rain is falling this afternoon.

  • Just a thought

    In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on. (Robert Frost)

  • LYNETTE - good that you have a diagnosis now and have started treatment. Take care x
  • AQ- that soup will be very nourishing as well as easy on his teeth !
  • HEATHER - I taste-tested and it was yum. But I left it all for OH.
  • Good Morning. Misty and foggy here, over the fields- looks like a typical November scene.

    Lynette: Sorry to hear your diagnosis but at least they have a name for it now, and the meds should help. Take care of yourself.

    Annette: I have visions of you doing battle with some monstrous giant greenery! We have pruned down a lot of our larger plants/trees ready for easier maintenance in the future, as we become less able to cope physically with it. My OH now regularly forgets things, and it's no good telling him 3 things which need doing as he'll only do the 1st one! But to counter that, I can't remember the names of anyone or anything-- its as if someone locked up my filing cabinet and threw away the key! Grr.

    By the way, another rule for bedtime is to never eat even a small square of chocolate in the hour or so before retiring, as its a stimulant. I've never liked PJ's, so uncomfortable. My nighties are always the t shirt style, cotton only. We have a window open unless it's blowing a gale as happily we both like fresh air. I used to read books in the night but can't now as it would disturb my partner, sadly. Couldn't stand to have the radio on!!!