Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 October 2021


The moon turns new on 6 October, next Wednesday.

I hope everyone has a good autumn week. The trees are just beginning to turn a bit yellow here. No strong colors yet.

  • Just popping in again and see there has been quite a few postings since I last posted.

    Catching up on all your news, Clare love the captures of the birds on Mull.

    Hope all is well with you all. Have a good weekend.
  • I've never understood the appeal of pineapple and ham pizza. I'm more the pepperoni, italian sausage, peppers, olives, onions and masses of cheese. The big thing here among healthy food types is cauliflower crust pizza and I have to say I tried Costco's version (made by a company called Milton's). I'm not sure I'd classify it as real pizza, but it was surprisingly okay.
  • DIBNLIB – Belated birthday wishes.

    CLARE – I’ve had time to catch up on your Mull photos. Fantabulous>

    ANNETTE – Oh no, we are incompatible! Ham & pineapple pizza is the only one worth eating.

    Promised rain has yet to appear even though I watered my leafy greens & sole tomato plant. I had to abandon weeding as the soil is more like solid concrete. <sigh> Nothing in the news today about our straying wild dolphin.

  • Things have got so bad, the good old days were only last week.

    Sometimes I wonder if all this is happening because I didn’t forward that email to 10 people.

    You know there is a problem when you realize that out of the three R’s, only one begins with an R.

  • Good Morning. Dashing around, as today we're off to visit Youngest and family. Hoping that the threat of fog on the motorway is confined to the very South, so we won't be affected.

    Will report in again later. Hope everyone has a good Saturday!
  • Good morning, all!  I've just posted Part Four of our Mull adventure - if you'd like to see more photos click on our adorable National Bird:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Oh Clare - wonderful pictures again. So pleased you saw the flying barn door and that it gave you a good fly-past. Until you have been reasonably close to them, you can't imagine just how enormous they are. Salen was obviously a good area for you - and so pleased you took the 'other' ferry from Fishnish to get back. It's a lovely drive on the mainland from that ferry - and quite different from Mull. You packed so much into a short time. Glad you will be going back again - there's so much more to see!

    The site seems very slow this morning. Perhaps they delayed the usual 'first of the month' treatment and took us all by surprise today?!?!?
  • We took the Lochaline-Fishnish route each way. Limpy is very prone to seasickness and I wanted his time on a ferry cut to an absolute minimum. Funnily enough he's usually all right watching wildlife from a small boat! That inlet at Salen was a gift that just kept giving - and the same applied to Tobermory and its harbour. I can't wait to go back.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • That's the problem - once you're bitten by the Mull bug you just have to keep going back! I'm going next year - I've definitely got withdrawal symptoms after not having visited for three years. I'm planning on at least two and hopefully three weeks ...

    If you can, I would suggest a bit earlier in the year. More wildlife around, and the days are longer. Being somewhere beautiful in the gloaming and watching deer, owls, and even - if you're lucky - otters is very special. And once the 'day visitors' have left on the ferry, it feels very remote. Do bear in mind, though, that Scottish school terms are different from England - they start summer holidays in June.
  • Orthopaedic appointment was cancelled yesterday at short notice - but at least before we set out. This must be at least the fourth time! So we spent the bonus hours emptying a wall of bookshelves, cleaning sorting and re-arranging - even some flinging, but not too many as we don't like getting rid of books.

    Received a church magazine yesterday - no comment on the quality! Heard this morning that tomorrow service is cancelled - we had intended to go. It was to have been the Minister; hope it is not a serious health problem, he really is not a well man.

    Will make time for a session with Clare's photos.