MANTON BAY – AUGUST 2021 to end of FEBRUARY 2022

Continued from Manton Bay – July 2021.  

The history of the Manton Bay nest, breeding stats and links to previous threads can be found here.

2021 Season Summary:  On 19 March, Blue 33(11) returned at 12:29 and Maya at 12:52.  Three eggs were laid, #1 on 30 March at 11:45#2 seen on 2 April at 07:34 and #3 on 5 April at 07:05.  Sadly only two eggs hatched, the first on 8 May at 19:51 and the second on 10 May at 19:48, one being unviable.   The chicks were ringed on 19 June.  Chick #1, a male, was fitted with the blue darvic 096 and Chick #2, a female, was fitted with blue 095 . At 54 days old, Blue 096 fledged at 12:12 on 1 July and Blue 095, aged 53 days old, at 11:12 on 2 July.  On 22 August at 09:10, Blue 095 aged 104 days old, set off on migration and 3 minutes later, 09:13, Blue 096 aged 106 days old left.   Maya and Blue 33(11) remained and finally set off - Maya on 30 August and Blue 33(11) the next morning on 31 August.

Webcam/Copyright© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • Karen W said:
    13:32   33 having a well earned rest

    I think you deserve one too Karen after your dedicated reporting! 

  • Hello All, and agreed with Korky Karen you do need a well earned rest! But thank you for all the days updates, pics and vids it's been a lovely day on the nest watching 33 especially posing so much for the camera! What a handsome boy he is!
    Patily you're welcome to the off cam reports it's our pleasure and pleased you have liked them.
    Quite surprised to still see them here Karen but what a treat to get so much viewing on the nest. TBH don't think we'd have got as much detail on the spot as watching the cam today!
    33 has brought in 13 sticks today to the nest so far and 7 nest scrapes so far :-) He surely is getting ready!
    Rutland has posted a blog stating 095 and 096 went on Monday but thought it was Sunday when they went else we'd have seen them lol!
  • KORKY – holiday planned along with a trip to the opticians LOL    But it is a pleasure to do so :-)

    LAM – Yes 33 has been on the nest most of the day and something we have not seen much of this season.   Personally I just think that 33 is pleased to have claimed his nest back from his daughter  LOL  

    Agree about their departures!   Sunday not Monday as you just missed them!!     And I recall a mix up with dates last year but no doubt someone will tell them and the blog will be corrected.   But thanks for the heads up about the blog and speaking of which here is the link for everyone

    Link to Blog:    The End is Nigh

  • 19:19   Maya on the nest fish calling

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

    After a few minutes, she flew off.   ENS

    Must go - hopefully a fish will come in later   BFN

  • Funnily enough Karen we just got reminders to go to opticians and with all these hours spent peering down binoculars in the hide think we'll be in need of that same trip as you lol! Hopefully you can go for a nice break though before the winter sets in! Send a text to 33 and ask him to take you with him to warmer climes :-)
    Yes think there was a mix up last year with dates seem to remember too! Wonder if 095 and 096 out of the UK yet?
    You could be right there Karen about 33 glad to get His nest back :-)
    Hope Maya gets a fish and we see them both again tomorrow.
    Patily they have both been on the nest quite a bit today so hope your wish has come true and you got to see them.
  • Awwww! look what I came back and found and you-know-who loves her Look at the size of the offereing e has given her She won't go hungry today

    C ROP

  • Morning LAM, Patily & ALL

    Great start to the morning !!

    LAM - you have you wish, they are both still here and Maya is eating a fish.
    Thanks PATILY for the updates and captures.
  • EJ has flown with thr remains of her fish Wonder whether she will share?