Continued from Manton Bay – July 2021.
The history of the Manton Bay nest, breeding stats and links to previous threads can be found here.
2021 Season Summary: On 19 March, Blue 33(11) returned at 12:29 and Maya at 12:52. Three eggs were laid, #1 on 30 March at 11:45, #2 seen on 2 April at 07:34 and #3 on 5 April at 07:05. Sadly only two eggs hatched, the first on 8 May at 19:51 and the second on 10 May at 19:48, one being unviable. The chicks were ringed on 19 June. Chick #1, a male, was fitted with the blue darvic 096 and Chick #2, a female, was fitted with blue 095 . At 54 days old, Blue 096 fledged at 12:12 on 1 July and Blue 095, aged 53 days old, at 11:12 on 2 July. On 22 August at 09:10, Blue 095 aged 104 days old, set off on migration and 3 minutes later, 09:13, Blue 096 aged 106 days old left. Maya and Blue 33(11) remained and finally set off - Maya on 30 August and Blue 33(11) the next morning on 31 August.
Webcam/Copyright: © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
What a lovely sunny evening !
Morning ALL Thanks LAM for all your reports and captures yesterday - it is great to know what is going on off cam. And to think that 096 managed to hold on to that fish for all those hours it brilliant as as well as constantly topping himself up, the action tells us just how strong and able he is now. Checking back, only one thing to add from the cam view is that after Maya ate her small fish and flew off to her perch as you reported, she returned to the nest @ 18:58 and picked up the fish once 095 had finished so Maya had a substantial meal last night too and I'm adding a capture as it is something we all like to see :-)
© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
Checking the cam this morning and no sign of any of the family so far at the nest but hopefully they are around and another good day in store for you :-)
10:26 096 on the nest and calling
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