Telyn & Idris are raising 2 healthy osplets, #1 & #3, following the accidental suffocation of #2.


Update - end July




Almost synchronised ruffle:

  • 01 July

    There was a short view of the viewing building but I couldn't see anyone "interesting" there, was hoping to see Wave tone4 ...PATILY waving...  Wave tone4 

    Reminder for me:

    Idris donated this Flounder after he'd deheaded it:

    Trying to tackle a bony morsel - it was more a toy, really:

    At bedtime Idris had a fish on Monty's perch but it didn't get brought to the nest before nightfall - perhaps it will be breakfish.

  • Patily has posted on Dyfi chat that she had a great day. Hopefully we'll get a full report.
  • GM allhad 2 brilliant days at Dyfi On Tuesday I watched Idris for an age feeding his chicks whilst Telyn stood regally on Monty's perch. I was then chatting with Alwyn,one of the volunteers and when I looked back the adults had changed places Telyn was on the nest and Idris was on the perch eating from the same flounder he had been using to feed his kids. As withGlaslyn it was magically unvelievable that I was even there.
    The drive to there was mostly along wooded roads and then suddenly there in front of us was the entrance to the reserve and I got as excited as any kid ina toy shop.Loved the walk from the new, remarkable, visitors' centre to the observatory along the board walk where we saw tall reeds and tiny, tiny frogs.Eventually we walked back and had lunch outside the new centre as we were lucky with the weather and it was bright and sunny, as was every volunteer I met Later we drove to Aberdovey to the estuary so that I got an idea of where Monty and Idris ontain/ed their fish.
    On Wednesday morning we spent too much money in the market at Machynlleth which received a charter from Edward1 in 1291 to hold a Wednesday market every week and a fair twice a year.
    In theafternoon we had another amazing experience/drive when we went to Bwlch Nant yr Adrian........learnt last night that bwlch means pass........to see the never-to-be-forgotten spectacle of the red kites being fed.
  • Thank you Patily! So pleased all went well and the weather was kind.
    You may not have seen that Ems announced your arrival on Chat with "Patricia Selman is in the house"! LOL
    Glad you got to see the Red Kites, as you say, never to be forgotten.
  • My visit to Dyfi yesterday was, if anything, even more memerable.....I met Ems and Lesley Griffths, the Minister for Rural Affairs in the Welsh Parliament.
    The day was rather overcast which was a pity. A friend was pushing me along the board walk andd I was explaining that it was made from recycle.....when suddenly the chair tipped sideways and I nearly ended up in the reeds. We hadn't noticed that an end of one of the planks had warning tape around it and a wheel had gone down a hole......proof that what I was explaining was true.
    The birds were not doing a great deal but I saw all four. Telyn and Idris were standing either end of Monty's perch and the chicks were taking it in turns to poke up their heads. Just as I tore myself away to look at the image on the large screen, Dysynni started flapping like crazy.
    When I had been looking through a scope towards the nest Lesley Griffths came and introduced herself and we spent a good few minutes talking. She had come with a smallish entourage and given VIP treatment. When my 5 friends andI first arrived Ems introduced himself and we exchanged a few words and he told me his plan for later.Later I too was given VIP treatment when Ems directed us to an empty room and sat with us to have lunch. We had a really insightful conversation with him when his knowledge, humanity and conservation common sense came across.He was very patient aswering our 101 questions and I could have sat and talked with him all day. At the end Ems reminded me that years ago, during a telephone conversation I had said I was neverlikely to get there!!!!! Then he asked whether it was now going to bean annual event! Who knows? Wouldn't that be a dream?

    Amwriting this in bed whilst drinking a cup of tea from a Monty mug and waiting for 5 lazy bones to get up so that later I may be able to sort out afew pictures

  • Well Pat what can one say! Talk about the VIP treatment! I can remember you talking to him and expressing the view that you may never get there!
  • How wonderfully remarkable Patily . I so appreciated your posts and am delighted your visit and trek around Aberdyfi and Machynlleth was such a joy to you. I've never visited yet but still hope to one day..Yes, you are indeed quite a VIP, so well done.
  • How brilliant, patily! So glad you have visited both Glaslyn and Dyfi and been treated so very well. And thank you for the lovely reports.
  • What a wonderful trip to Wales you have had, Patily! Really pleased that you were treated with VIP status. Thank you so much for your detailed reports and am so looking forward to seeing your pics, when you are able to post them. 

  • Patily, Thanks ever so much for report of your Dyfi visit. I'm so happy for you! And congratulations on your VIP status--who knew we had a VIP amongst us?! Very good of Ems to spend so much time with you and your friends. In one of your earlier posts I thought you had stated you would be visiting Dyfi on Monday; then you reported you'd visited Glaslyn instead on Monday and would visit Dyfi on Tuesday. When there was no report from you on Tuesday evening, I began to worry that perhaps you'd had a disastrous visit to the point where you were unable to post anything about it, so I felt greatly relieved to see your posts this morning--hooray! And I do hope you can make visiting Dyfi and Glaslyn an annual event; we do that (apart from last year) and it is something we look forward to all year. We've fallen into a pattern of meeting friends at Leighton Moss for a few days and then spending time in Wales afterwards about the end of June/early July. Definitely worth making plans for and actually doing. And with sufficient planning, we could even have a mini Ospreyholic Forumate meet-up if some others from these threads could also plan to be there when you are...just a thought.

    Kind regards, Ann