Continued from Manton Bay – April 2021
The history of the Manton Bay nest, breeding stats and links to previous threads can be found here.
The season so far: March 19, Blue 33(11) returned 12:29 closely followed by Maya @ 12:54. On March 30 Egg #1 was laid @ 11:45 , April 2, Egg #2 was seen @ 07:34 and on April 5 Egg #3 was laid @ 07:05 .
Webcam/Copyright: © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
more fish on offer :-)
© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
both chicks full and make their way to the edge leaving Maya to eat in peace
close up
Richard B
Awww, I agree it's not their 'cutest' stage but ...
I still find them cute, in their own way Whilst we all know how repidly they grow I was taken by the statistic from LotL that they put on 70% of their adult size in the first month I don't remember reading that before Incredible
I was supposed to be reporting that the chicks were being fed some time ago now but I was sidetracked first by the more positive news from Glaslyn and then the antics of YW and B35 at Foulshaw
Morning ALL
Today, #1 is 18 days & #2 is 16 days old.
A few minutes ago, #1 was attacking its sibling!
#2 goes into submission post
but Maya steps in with fish and soon both are side by side being fed
Birdies LG DU update.