I hope everyone has a joyful, safe week! Be sure to check back to last week's thread to see Lindy's photos and other posts!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Hallo all: The thing about all this money spent on space and scientific endeavors is that a lot of what these brains learn does trickle down into everyday items. Just Googled a list that includes: artificial limbs, scratch-resistant lenses, insulin pumps, solar cells, Lasik surgery, and of course, the humble but invaluable DustBuster to name a few.
OG: Hope they get that new vehicle to you soon. Any estimate of when?
Lynette: Let me piggyback on OG's good wishes for your daughter's exam outcome :-)
Went to Tai Chi class this morning and have yoga this evening. Teacher is modifying the practice so nothing too intense for folks who've had bits taken out.
HARELADY – Wonderful you could see your family at last. Surely soon the bubble will expand for you to meet the others.
LINDA – Thank you for more photos. Another “dislike” for traffic jams & roadworks!
HEATHER – I remember AUNTIE from Finland. I wonder how she is. Likewise many names from our earlier posting days.
PAT – Love your quote.
OG – I hope your new car is ready sooner than soon.
ANNETTE – I realize the trickle down effect. What bothers me is that we have messed up our planet and now we are starting on another before we have solved our own problems.
Just a thought
It’s enough to indulge and to be selfish but true happiness is really when you start giving back. (Adrian Grenier)