GLASLYN OSPREYS - APRIL 2021 to end of FEB 2022

March thread.

This post updated 01 June

MrsG returned on the 25th of March and was joined by Aran on the 29th.

 (The beginning of the reunion video is a must-see for all fans of MrsG - I'm posting it today 01 June, to remind us of a happy time before the tragedies of May 2021.)

The month of May brought unrelenting wind, rain and corvids, as well as persistent intruder KS8 (among others) - and Aran somehow injured his right wing, rendering him unable to fish.  Within a few days all the chicks had sickened and died.  It could hardly have been more stressful for MrsG and Aran, but they are recovering together while the caring Glaslyn team is supplying fish each night.

(The chicks' bodies have been removed from the nest by Aran and MrsG, so we shall never know the cause of their deaths.)

In the right margin of this page are links to Glaslyn's posts documenting the misfortunes on the nest.


All pictures and videos in this thread are (link to website)

©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife


  • There have been flying ants.  Both our dears doing fine.

  • Another MrsG - can't have too many at this time of the season - I'll do Aran too if he co-operates from now on Hugging

  • 15 August

    Here's MrsG:

    She's flown to the perch now.

  • 12.30  It sounds as though Aran is sky-dancing  

    12,37  that's odd.  Heather has just commented

    12:35 Heather Corfield  Mrs G landed on the oak perch with a Brown Trout at 11.20. There were three intruders over the nest at the time. Aran still on low oak perch.

    and the sky dance call continues.  Perhaps it is one of the 'intruders' she refers to.

    12.39  the calls continue, but Heather has confirmed it isn't Aran

    12:37 Heather Corfield  No he was chipping and mantling on the low oak perch

    12.42  LOL  I think it's a buzzard!  And now a very loud angry call from some bird.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • I haven't looked thru the morning  yet - but Hello! Hugging 

  • Nice capture of a Spotted Flycatcher

    Richard B

  • After her early-morning visit was followed by another around 07:20, it was as if she was reacting to an intruder but we didn't see anyone.

    08:05 Aran was on the nest for 5 minutes, again looking watchful.

    Rain and ENS for hours, until...

    10:57 MrsG flew in, stayed on nest for a while, then to perch until 11:09, back to nest and away in response to intruders, just dots in sky with faint vocals, she was gone by 11:11:

    ENS, during which time:

    SHEILA posted:

    12.30  It sounds as though Aran is sky-dancing  

    12,37  that's odd.  Heather has just commented

    12:35 Heather Corfield  Mrs G landed on the oak perch with a Brown Trout at 11.20. There were three intruders over the nest at the time. Aran still on low oak perch.

    and the sky dance call continues.  Perhaps it is one of the 'intruders' she refers to.

    12.39  the calls continue, but Heather has confirmed it isn't Aran

    12:37 Heather Corfield  No he was chipping and mantling on the low oak perch

    12.42  LOL  I think it's a buzzard!  And now a very loud angry call from some bird.

    No more nest activity, more rain, the weather turned glowering:

    Here's the Spotted Flycatcher, very very rough cut because it flitted and there was a Great/Coal Tit too:

    Query Aran flying from his tree?  After I did this snap I noticed that he seemed to fly down to the ground this side of a wall that was there, but I'm too lazy/tired to go back and do it again:

    No-one zoomed Disappointed

    That was the last person I saw.

    Almost no Chat is showing up, 23:34 Heather said that the bats were out but I haven't seen any sign of them.

  • Oh, great captures of Mrs G on this page and thanks for your observations Sheila and Richard . So enjoyed the video of spotted flycatcher and coal tit Scylla. . And snook in a couple of captures of Aran from your video, very grateful for that
  • Here's Aran.

    (I've not checked anything today yet.)
  • Slight problem with the video Scylla, that's a Great Tit, not a Coal Tit.

    Richard B