Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 February 2021


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Roll on spring!

Jacob's Ladder Wildflowers
Glacier National Park
U.S. National Park Service, NPS/Jacob W. Frank
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Pat, the alternative, if you have the time, is to engage unwanted people on the phone for as long as possible, then sweetly say "I hope I've kept you busy for plenty of time" and then ring off. Sometimes I play dumb just to see what they will say to me.

    We've had a glorious morning of sunshine so I put lots of laundry on the line and then we went for a walk.

  • Hope that OG & EE are OK, not seen them for a few days
  • Just letting you know we are OK enough. I have had symptoms of various things in various places - nothing related to pandemic - but I did manage the March Magazine for church.. I have been juggling medications and seem to be solving the morning sleeping problem at last. - a long job! J's neurologist is weaning him off one epilepsy drug onto another as the first one may be contributing to his anxiety. Another long job, including at least six months not driving. He has also requested another MRI scan of J's head for reassurance (previous latest was when he had an "absence" in the machine!). EE is fine, just coping with all the complications around him, and has done some work in the garden too. Looks as if the new kitchen will be installed late spring - original price held. We have an extension on time for new car - an extra six months.

    I am hoping to start chatting regularly again on Sunday.
  • Good to hear from you OG. Glad things are OK ish.

    LINDY, My mother used to pretend that she was the maid when she received 'silly' phone calls. She would say she could not speak for her employer.
  • Hi everyone. Another day of - as it turns out - a rather frustrating string of events, proving my mother's point that 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions.' I think the moon or some other planet is in retrograde or whatever..... :-)
  • Annette: Sorry that you had a frustrating day. Maybe you were affected by the upcoming full moon. The moon turns full on Friday night at 12:17 a.m. in California. That's 8:17 a.m. Saturday morning in the U.K. 

    OG: Nice to hear from you. I'm sorry that you're still suffering from some symptoms, but I'm very glad that the morning sleep problem is resolving. I'm also glad that J's issues are being addressed. Regards to EE. 

    I'll be back tomorrow with more replies. 

  • Talking to unwanted phone people doesn’t work. Often the “voice” just babbles on and on not listening to me. Too often now they dial multiple calls at once, first person to answer gets the connection, and others get “hung up”. Some calls are automated and activated by my voice saying hello or whatever. If I recognise from the number that a call is from interstate, I don’t answer, but by then I have had to stop what I was doing. . . No wonder I am becoming a Grumpy Old Lady.

  • Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. . . Now quiet! They’re about to announce the lottery numbers. (Matt Groening)

    I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them. (Phyllis Diller)

    Having a weird mum builds character. (t shirt message)