Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 February 2021


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Roll on spring!

Jacob's Ladder Wildflowers
Glacier National Park
U.S. National Park Service, NPS/Jacob W. Frank
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • LYNETTE – We get those spam phone calls daily. It is no use putting our number on the “Do Not Call” register, as the spammers have figured some way around it.

    I am fed up with a certain party in US that sends me emails; one day there were 7, “only” three today. I have tried blocking but they keep coming with a slight variation in their address. I cannot vote and I am certainly not sending money.

  • Just a thought

    If it weren’t for the misfortune of others, life would be absolutely unbearable.

  • AQ:  Who's sending you those e-mails?  Not DT surely?  What a pain.

    Heather: Sounds like more waiting about for the powers that be.  Any clues on when you guys will hear any news?

    Went out and about doing make-up errands today; just needed to be out in the world.  Cases still dropping here; we're hoping to be in the "Red" category soon when the gym will be fully open, albeit with significantly reduced capacity.

  • ANNETTE - Regular surnames are Hawley, Sanders Huckabee, some with senate as "given name", others I've forgotten. Weird thing is that they know my real given name.

    I am halfway through making a "3-meal" casserole. I start by slow-cooking carrots & meat; adding rest of veg later after I have had my feet up. It will be good to have some spare meals in freezer.. A lovely cool sunny day - perfect for weeding - but I am not silly and shall leave weeds for another day.

  • AQ - That's a great quote from your 'fascinating book', and has already gone into tomorrow's church news sheet. Do you have the title of the book?
  • Good Morning. The sun is out, here!!! Yay!!
  • Lynette - any phone calls to do with money are 99% going to be scams. Say "Just a minute" and then put the phone down on the table for 15 minutes .......
  • Oh, I hadn't thought of that one, Lindy. I just put the phone down without saying a word. I have signed on for the Preference Service but it doesn't seem to make any difference. A friend of mine, who is quite astute, got taken in by one of the scammers some months ago, and actually got as far as her bank and was about to make a transfer. Fortunately the bank staff were very much on the ball and asked her whether she was sure about it. She said it was almost as though she was in a trance and when asked whether she was sure, it was as though someone clicked their fingers and woke her up. Very frightening how easy it is to get carried along with their stories. I'm a hard nut and won't engage with them.
  • PAT - "Pandemic. The Spanish Flu in Australia 1918-1920" by Ian W Shaw, published 2020 by Woodslane Press. I can't see an ISBN. www.woodslane.com.au

  • AQ - Brilliant. Thank you. I always like to acknowledge quotations whenever possible.