Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 February 2021


I hope everyone has a safe and healthy week!

White-Tailed Deer
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
US National Park Service, NPS/Pat Cohee
Photo labeled Public Domain/Copyright Free

  • Thanks ANNETTE & DIANE. I feel better for a walk in fresh air. I took some tomatoes to Mrs Back Fence in return for the cherries she delivered last month. Rosellas squawking in gum tree in reserve as I walked by.

  • Good morning, and hang on in there, AQ, as both our friends say - it will pass.

    No snow here, just a smattering of hail on the lawn which froze overnight as its been about minus 2 or 3 here. Hope others in the UK are alright in the heavy snowfall yesterday.
  • LOL LINDA. I'm about to loll in front of TV for evening.
    Please send hail, snow, cold. . . expecting 35 tomorrow, 37 Thurs.
  • Good morning all from a very snowy Suffolk. It is almost 10am and still -1 degrees  with a wind chill of -5! I have been at home since Saturday and can't see me getting out until the end of the week. We had huge snow drifts on out local roads and for a time yesterday Aldeburgh was cut-off. Some cars were stuck but the local farmers helped with their tractors and got through.

    My Daughter in Northamptonshire skidded into a verge yesterday on her way to work - she was shaken and there is cosmetic damage to the car but she is fine thank God.

    if interested see local paper article with photos


    Glad you have finished you treatment AQ and I do understand but tiredness is to be expected and it wont be long before you start to feel a lot better.

    Lindy - glad your OH is feeling better also.

    Keep warms those of you who are suffering with the cold and those with the heat - keep cool.

  • Harelady - I thought we had a lot of snow, but nowhere near as much as you! Ours is about five inches and more forecast. Just been out for the first time since Saturday - bitingly cold wind and odd swirly snow, but everything looks so beautiful, and I was appropriately dressed, so really enjoyed it.

    Keep safe, everyone. It's slippery out there, and very cold. Well, maybe not for AQ ... wish I could send you some of our snow.
  • Whoa, Harelady - that's proper snow! Hope you keep warm and safe- sorry your daughter had a scare but as you say, it could have been more serious.

    We've been out, well wrapped up, to the farm shop a few miles away where I bought gorgeous fresh veggies and restocked with bird feed & seed. Distracted by the wonderful home baked goods I completely forgot to buy milk which was a priority, but came home with a lemon drizzle cake.....

    It's now trying to snow again with those big snowflakes which look as if they've been drawn by a child, floating elegantly down but not lasting long enough to cover the ground.

  • Harelady:  Wow. That's serious snow.  I checked out some of the video on that link. It looks really lovely as long as you don't see the photos of the cars.  Glad your daughter's okay; hope the cosmetic damage to the car isn't too awful.  

    AQ:  Glad you're feeling better; sometimes a walk helps clear the cobwebs.  Looks like the UK folks plus Diana have cold temps to spare....

    Am still waiting on final details for this freelance project. It's like the last month of being pregnant.  I just want it over and done with.  Argggh.

  • Lindy - Forgot to say, I have now watched the film 'The Light Between Oceans', which you saw last week. The film kept quite closely to the book. But ... had I watched the film before reading the book I probably wouldn't have read the book. I enjoyed the book far more than the film. I agree about the sound - mostly it sounded as though they were speaking from under a blanket, and there was a lot of whispering which I couldn't hear. And why oh why do modern film makers insist on everything being so dark?

    Also meant to say - I did like your cool kangaroo. Hope AQ follows his example.

    Apparently we are in for more snow tomorrow, and then sunshine in the afternoon. I got some pretty good pictures today - they would be even better with sunshine and shadows. Going to be very cold again. So pleased I kept my mother's old lined coat with a hood, which I haven't worn for years but was great today. Also glad I bought boots some years ago and I wore them today for I think the first time. They were not terribly comfortable but they kept my feet toasty and dry.

    Annette - Hope the project is finished soon. I remember how that last month feels ... except my 'last month' was six weeks!