Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 February 2021


I hope everyone has a safe and healthy week!

White-Tailed Deer
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
US National Park Service, NPS/Pat Cohee
Photo labeled Public Domain/Copyright Free

  • Limpy has safely had his first vaccination - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the Pfizer one.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello at last - still not back to usual self, but getting nearer to it! E-E and I both had our first anti-covid vaccines on Monday, with no obvious side effects. Been catching up with various online things which had to be done - including renewing my blue badge for parking. Lots of cold weather and amazing sunshine. J is keeping busy with washing up and emptying/filling the dishwasher, exercises every morning and plenty of guitar practice - always know he feels a bit happier when the guitar comes out.
  • Good news for most, as I catch up. I wrote some replies this afternoon, but I was on my tablet and it would not post.

    Heather, that's annoying, and not pleasant. Hope it soon goes.

    Clare & Limpy - congratulations!!!

    OG- Good that things seem to be settling down for you, and that J is happier.

    Annette, Congrats on getting to the end of the project. Sit back on your laurels, now!

    Pat - No chance of pictures of the lake?

  • I nag my OH to put a scarf over his mouth when he goes out, as I remembered that cold air is bad for the lungs when you're not 100% He seems to listen to me, surprisingly. Our Youngest rang tonight, and said "Is he behaving himself?!"

  • Lovely flower pics, and another good poem LINDY. Glad to hear that your OH is recovering well.

    Good news about vaccinations OG and CLARE.

    Sorry that you are having problems HEATHER. It is not good when you are on your own and feel unwell. Sending best wishes, and hope things improve soon.

    We had light powdery snow non stop for about 48 hours. It has mostly melted in the sun today.

    I had a very exciting morning talking about recycling options for our block of flats with a man from our council. The local paper and bottle banks have been removed, due to some redevelopment. Most residents here are very keen to recycle (including me), so we are having a trial period with some bins of our own. We do not have much room for them though, so they cannot be as big as we would like.

    Hello to ANNETTE and DIANE. I hope you are managing to keep reasonably warm DIANE.

    PAT, I also have a light duvet all year round. I do not like anything heavy. Like you, I may need the bedsocks tonight though.

    Hello to everyone else not mentioned and thanks for all news.
  • Congrats to all who have had the jab.

    Outbreak of new variant covid in Victorian medi-hotel, 8 positive, some returned travellers, some hotel workers. It is thought that an infected person using a nebulizer was the cause of spread. Increasing concern about air-borne covid. Our state has closed border to those who’ve been in Greater Melbourne. SA residents can come home but must isolate for 14 days & get tested 3 times. Others not allowed in. Adelaide Fringe Festival due to open on 19th.

    All your chat about cold & snow – wonderful. Here it was 29 C by 9 am. I slept in after tossing, turning & reading for about 2 hours in middle of night. Hence I was late getting out for 10 min weeding session. Next on agenda is to read until lunchtime.

  • Just a thought

    Faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. May you have all three. (Anon)

  • Hey, all. The National Audubon Society has book recommendations--fiction and non-fiction--for people who love birds and nature. I haven't read any of them, so I can't confirm whether they're good or not.

    Clare: You might like Gifts of the Crow.

    AQ: So sorry about your outbreak of the variant. Not good news for Australia. Stay safe. 

  • Evening all:

    Rosy:  Congrats on the recycling project; hope it goes smoothly.

    OG:  Nice to read that J's mood is improving; perhaps that job was just too stressful.  

    AQ:  Late for 10-minute weeding session?  :-))   I went after a severely overgrown Westringia today and as usual got carried away with thinning it out while getting poked by twigs, coated in dust and/pollen and attacked from behind by the rose bush.  

    Was watching/listening to the 2nd Impeachment hearings today.  More tomorrow so I think I'll take the opportunity to clean the bathrooms thoroughly while I listen (I'm hoping the outrage will spur me on so I forget how much I hate cleaning!).  Went to say Hello to the ocean late this afternoon. The tide was the farthest out I've ever seen here (which isn't far compared to what we used to see on the South coast of the UK), but lots of people were puttering in the tidepools along with some Great Egrets looking for dinner.  Great chance to see the geological formation usually hidden by the waves.

    Have a good Thursday everyone.

  • ANNETTE – I have to be early before it gets too hot. Although forecast was wrong, not 38, only a sticky unpleasant 34.

    Dau phoned to grumble. Tomorrow is a pupil-free day. Really? It’s only week 2 of a new school year and teachers need a day off? What would happen if nurses wanted a patient-free day?