Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 February 2021


I hope everyone has a safe and healthy week!

White-Tailed Deer
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
US National Park Service, NPS/Pat Cohee
Photo labeled Public Domain/Copyright Free

  • Lynette: I hope your daughter is feeling well. Nope, no jab for me yet. I'm 63, and my state is only vaccinating healthcare workers, first responders, and people over 65. 

    Lindy: Lovely sloth poem! I loved that kangaroo. Your flowers are lovely. I'm tired of the gray, dark, icy days here. Please send lemon drizzle cake. LOL

    AQ: Hope your power outage wasn't too inconvenient. So glad to hear you're feeling normal. I will try to send you some cold air. I have plenty of it here. Snow, too.

    Harelady: Oh, dear. I watched that video. That's a lot of snow! I thought snow that deep was rare in England. I'm glad your daughter is okay. 

    Pat: Looks like you received deep snow, too. Is the polar vortex over the UK?

    Annette: My sympathies. I've had freelance projects that refused to end. 

  • We’re back with all mod cons. Since 8 am OH has wandered around, dozed, lunch; he lasted until 1 pm when he switched on his computer, not caring if power went in the middle of something. I had my nanny nap. At 2.25 pm Mr Orange Vest knocked on door to say “power going off”. 15 mins later, our stove clock went “ping” and Mr OV returned to say all was well with our power board and for next 10 years. So much for the plumber (!) who tried to tell us 3 years ago that it should be replaced.

    This calls for an extra smile.
    Last week I found a wallet packed with money down by the church.
    Did you give it back?
    Not yet. I’m still trying to decide if it’s a temptation from the devil or the answer to a prayer.

  • AQ: Glad all is well with your power!

    Annette: From CNN. 150 miles east of Los Angeles. Not good.

  • Good Morning. Minus 3 here and it sort of looks it, looking out of our window just now. Have told my OH not to go out with Bonnie yet, but wait until its a bit warmer for the air in his lungs. He does wear lots of clothing.

    The sun is trying to come out as it rises. I'll make sure there is something out for our poor garden birds.

    AQ -- Good to hear that you're back on with the power, without too much trouble. Keep cool!
  • Bought myself some daffs to cheer us up. I love the smell of them, the fragrance of spring!

  • Lovely flower pics, LINDY - liked the iris. They do seem to be early. My sis in law in France says that her camellia is in bloom. Nothing showing here yet. It was minus 16 inland yesterday and is minus 5 in my back garden this morning. Get that man of hours to wrap a scarf over his mouth and nose...
    AQ - as others have said, don't run before you can walk! So good to read though, that you are starting to feel more normal x
    Daughter messaging me, I'll be back later

  • Yes, pretty cold here and looking beautiful. I hope it is crunchy underfoot and not slippy!!
  • Diane:  Finally sent my freelance project off to the editor late yesterday - what a relief.  Interesting about those missing explosives.- nothing in the LA TImes print edition or on their website, nor on the WaPo or NYT web sites, but I see CNN is still carrying it further down on their main page.  I can't imagine the folks at Twenty-Nine Palms will be eager to discuss the topic  Not a good time for explosives to be in the wrong hands...

    Finally am free from above project to - oh  joy - think about cleaning house, getting busy in the garden.

    Stay well everyone.

    While browsing the LATimes website, came across link to live video of an eagle pair up at Big Bear Lake (in the mountains behind LA) who've apparently lost their first three eggs but have now laid a fourth.  Talk about a room with a view!  www.youtube.com/watch

  • ANNETTE - good that you've finished the article! I can identify with the last four weeks of pregnancy...
    OG - hope all is OK and covid vaccine done and dusted.
    HARELADY - Some snow! I followed your link and so glad daughter didn't have more trouble x
    PAT - I chuckled when reading about your Mum's coat...
    LYNETTE - I've had a recurrence of positional vertigo, started on Sunday. I know that you have it as well. It is the first attack since my OH died and I don't like being on my own in the house when feeling so dizzy.
    DIANE- I hope that you are under that electric blanket x

  • Heather - The coat and boots went out again this afternoon, in the sunshine and snow flurries. Very beautiful, very cold, very pleased I was well muffled up. Mothers still take care of us even when they are no longer with us! Our lake was frozen solid yesterday, and today looked spectacular with fresh snow falling on the ice. Hope the attack of vertigo was a one-off. Very unpleasant for you. Thoughts and prayers for no more dizziness.

    Hope everyone is OK - and specially thinking about OG and hoping all is well.

    Keep warm, everyone. We are threatened, even down south, with temperatures down to around -7 overnight, so extra blankets and bedsocks! My lightweight duvet, which I use all year round, will keep me snug as a bug ...