Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 January 2021


February 1 is Imbolc (or Imbolg), the old Gaelic festival marking the coming of spring and traditionally celebrated throughout Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man. It falls about halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. We're almost to the time of warmer weather (cooler weather for you, AQ)! Yay! I'm so hoping for an early spring, so we'll only have about 4 or 5 more weeks of the cold. 

I hope everyone has an easy week!

Marsh Marigold wildflowers, Shenandoah National Park
U.S. National Park Service: NPS
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • AQ;  I can't wait to find out what others on the thread have planned for the week.  :-)   Had a good laugh at your sayings.  Where DO you find them?

    About to topple into bed.  Have a good Tuesday all.

  • Lindy - Should that 'board' game be changed to 'bored' game?
  • LOL Pat! Good Morning, Everyone.

    Congratulations on getting to the end of your zapping marathon, AQ! Another milestone, done. Now rest some more!

    AQ: Great quotes, including my favourite from the one and only George Burns - I often think it when I'm down there, LOL!

    If you look at the Monotony board, in detail, there are amusing stops on the way around, including "Go Home" instead of the usual "Go to Jail!"

    Our exciting itinerary for today includes looking at our emails to see when the new microwave might arrive, plus we are going to Boots to collect prescriptions! Might even choose a new shower gel whilst I'm in there!

  • Aren't we all living exciting lives at the moment? I had to finish off my grocery order earlier and I was a little down on the minimum. So what did I decide to treat myself with? Wine gums! Does it get more exciting than that???

    AQ - So pleased the zapping marathon has come to an end. Hope all the follow-up appointments go well.

    Happy Tuesday, everyone. Now what shall I do to amuse myself today? Have just had a Skype chat with my sister, whose birthday it is today. Two 'work' Zoom calls later. And a walk - if the sun stays out just a little longer.
  • LINDY, there is no end to the excitement! We are all waiting to find out which shower gel you chose.
    That Monotony bored game is brilliant.

    I met a friend in the local park yesterday. I think that is allowed, as we sat at opposite ends of the bench with our coffee. She is the only person I meet intentionally outside. Some of our local cafes have been closed, because too many people were using them.

    Good that you have come the end of your zapping, AQ. No more searching for that car parking space. Enjoy some more reading and rests.
  • Yes, exciting life!
    I think that I might have left the ' gums' bit off, PAT !
    AQ - so happy to read that you have finished treatment.
    LINDY that board game would be brilliant. Love it!
    LYNETTE - I'm sorry about your daughter's positive test. Hope that you'll all be OK.

    I think that OG and EE are having vaccine today?
  • Glad to hear all is going well.
  • PAT O Very clever

    HEATHER Hope you managed a decent nights sleep.
  • Morning all:

    Lynette:  Heather reminded me about your daughter's situation and your Covid jab.  What's the latest?

    Heather:  I hope you're not awake fretting again.....  

    Lindybird:  My favorite activity on the Monotony Bored game was "Exercise in the Garden."   Was on an errand at Target yesterday and found some spray-in detangler and a 'light' control mousse (on sale!).  I've been using a conditioner/detangler for years but it's developed a strange smell over the last month; don't think it was a knock-off but.....  I usually eat mousse but the lady who cuts my hair uses it and it does seem to make just a bit of difference.  I refuse to spend more than a few $$s on these things as I typically end up sticking them in the cupboard and forgetting about them and/or passing them on to daughter/granddaughter to try out.  Incidentally, if you ever go to Costco, their own Kirkland brand of Shower Gel is really good.

    Well, that's got the important news out of the way.  It's SUCH a relief to turn on the news these days in spite of the problems still out there....    Have been following the news from Myanmar too; interesting to see how Ang Suu Kyi politics have 'evolved' over the years.  

    Take care all.

  • Oh my just saw that Captain Tom who raised all that money for NHS worker, has died (age 100). What a life!