Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 January 2021


Everyone have a wonderful week!

Bear on the Path
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
U.S. National Park Service/Warren Bielenberg
Photo Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • That could be rather jolly, PAT ! You could remind me of all the old Methodist hymns, and we could sing them, driving LINDY and her OH out of the cave to look for a plot of land in which to grow veg. , ANNETTE and DIANE would keep our feet on the ground when we start worrying about things. OG could take her place as chief organiser of menus etc depending on what success LINDY and EE have. AQ could read aloud to us until we fall asleep. EE might have to be the hunter gatherer. ROSY is chief medic and HARELADY can be our manager. Not sure what job to give CLARE but she is very adaptable so can fill in for the rest of us at a moment's notice.

  • I like the sound of that, Heather. When do we start???
  • I need to find my crystal ball, PAT!
  • Lol to all the above!

    I have spent the most exciting morning researching compost bins. Our gardener, ( who I think I have mentioned before) has gone decidedly "off piste". He has been piling all our green waste in an untidy heap behind some trees. I thought we should smarten the garden up, and he said he would make us some compost containers.
    His quote was for a very silly figure, which would have used up more than our spring budget. His plan would have looked out of place in our garden also.
    I have found some large (allegedly) easily assembled ones at a fraction of the price, with enough cash left over for some spring planting, Ordered, and will be delivered in a few days.
    What an exciting life I lead! Perhaps I should go into that cave now.
  • I see that I have not given LYNETTE a job and have probably missed out other potential cave dwellers also ! Mea Culpa....

  • Well done ROSY. It does sound as if he was trying to pull a fast one. That is why I got rid of my so called gardener. Mow blow and go as ANNETTE said. He charged me £300 to prune shrubs in 2019 and he didn't know the names of most of them....
  • Neeps, tatties, and Australia Day.  I'm just not paying enough attention!

    Heather:  Sorry, but Diane has to be our techy person in that cave (we are taking our electronics, right?)  And EE could also add "chef" to his duties, with OG supervising.   However, I don't see your duties listed - maybe social coordinator?

    Rosy:  I spent yesterday researching extensions to our downspouts so expected heavy downpour can be directed away from foundations to trees and shrubs.  I got one some years back and while its lightweight, it's a bit cumbersome, not to mention ugly.  Will tootle off to hardware store today (sunny) and organize the set up this afternoon.

    AQ:  Good job to keep that idiot under lock and key until the Fall and who knows, maybe things will be so slow in the courts his stay might last through the next fire season??  I think they should implant electronic chips into some of these people so we know where they are (yes, a bit extreme, but sometimes....)    Not so sure about Aristotle - sometimes you can be patient and end up wondering why you bothered.  :-)

    I had my annual physical yesterday. Stepped on the scale and - amazing and wonderful! - had hardly gained any weight at all. Apart from that, all well but doc suggested Vitamin D supplement, which surprised me given the fact it's California and I'm outside a lot. Turns out we absorb less from the sun as we age, which I knew, but thought that only applied to people in cloudy northern climes.

    Meanwhile, Arizona contingent not quite as thrilled this morning now that 2-3 ft of snow is on the ground.  Daughter was up during the night cleaning it off the roof of the chicken coop.  Granddaughter and assorted kiddies going over to her house this morning to help clear path to various critters.

    Off to attack my To-Do list, which has gained some new items....  

    Take care everyone.

  • Have managed to write and send a few short emails yesterday and today, so , who knows, might be up for a few replies on here soon. Was offered this Thursday for the delayed mammogram, but opted for next Wednesday as it's more convenient. for our domestic schedule. OH is making baked beans and cheese with baked potatoes for today's tea - I am going to try the beans after several years being intolerant of them, as I used to enjoy them.
  • Hope the beans went down OK, OG.

    Much milder here tonight after several days (weeks?) of chilly temps. We went for a walk into the town this morning, had a short wander around, then picked up some tomatoes and cake on the way back. It rained gently as we were halfway home, and I was so tired, or rather my knees were, that I had to lean on my OH for the final stretch. Poured down as we made a cup of tea once we were safely home!!

    Heather: A Troglodyte poem is on it's way, but unfinished at present!!!!

  • OG, Baked potatoes and beans and cheese is one of my favourite things. OH is intolerant of beans, so do not have them as often as I would like. I hope they work for you this time.

    HEATHER, I remember your mow, blow and go 'gardener'. I am glad you got rid of him.

    ANNETTE, I hope you manage to get the required extension and to fit it before the heavy rain. I love visiting hardware shops. Always something interesting to see for the garden. I haven't been able to visit one for some time for obvious reasons,

    I am sure we could all find our niche in that cave!