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  • LINDY yes, we have noticed a big difference in the evening light times.
  • On the food front, I've never planned but always had a rough idea of what we would eat and shopped accordingly. The fridge Always had eggs, cheese ,cold meats ,bacon , salad and vegetables and things like yoghurt. Fresh fruit always available. Meat and fish bought according to what looked good when shopping. A well stocked storecupboard is essential but less so since I've been on my own. It's hard to break old habits, though!  My step daughter in law never plans, has a practically empty larder and shops every day, looking first at the reduced items. I guess we are all very different in our needs and habits and what suits us and our circumstances ?

  • Morning all:  Finally got TV back and internet back again at 8:30 last night; but internet went out again shortly thereafter and was out this morning before coming back again an hour ago.  Sigh.  Cox tech guy speculated that it's been so bad since Xmas (when I attributed it to Zoom, Skype, Facetim gatherings, etc.) because of new gameboys, X-boxes, computers given as gifts.  Double sigh.

    Haha AQ - I don't let OH unpack groceries because I 'file' them behind the existing product, so to speak. He tends to just stick things randomly in the fridge/pantry.

    Heather: That's funny about your Step-DiL as I'm sure all our Mums shopped daily but only because of lack lack of fridges. They probably would've thought they'd died and gone to heaven if they could shop once a week or more!

    Getting a late start; must get organized....take care everyone.

  • The funny thing ANNETTE is that they are probably millionaires ! Maybe that is why, living frugally, house freezing cold....I can't get my head around it.
    Just for a laugh - eldest daughter took me shopping yesterday. I phoned middle daughter to see if she needed anything. She asked if I would get her a chicken and a few other things. No problem. I rare!y buy whole chickens these days so looked over the shelves, saw a nice looking chicken just fine for her and Amy. Eldest daughter dropped off the shopping on her way home. Looking at my receipt I realised I'd bought a very expensive chicken ! Corn fed free range whatever. Of course I'd refused to take money for the shopping as you do. When I told eldest daughter, she laughed and said that it was probably the best chicken her sister had ever had! And it was. She made stock today with the remnants. ' Mum, the stock looks so rich'. All I could say between chuckles, was ' Well the better the chicken, the better the stock '.
  • For the sake of all of you Scots I'm sincerely hoping the Orange Knob doesn't arrive at Prestwick on January 19th for a golfing holiday.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi, all. Another day of sunshine and low temperatures but the sleet which was mentioned did not materialise. Same tomorrow, I think. I am pleased to see that there are similarities in lockdown rules between the four nations – makes life seem much easier.

    HEATHER – a good quote from your old consultant re commitment to contracts – or anything else for that matter! Re shopping: my mother’s shopping was delivered by the Co-op using two order books – Book 1 came and they collected Book 2 for the next week – so she had to plan ahead – guess I learned from her. (we did have a small and very expensive village shop and she would go there occasionally while fetching me from school if there was something needed urgently). Good that your Daughter and Amy had a special chicken for dinner!

    LINDA- I partly agree that women can often run things better than men but can’t imagine T May getting us through this lot. Now, Maggie in her day, that would have been a different story! I have to have at least an outline for a week of menus – in fact I am already getting itchy fingers holding a pencil after Sunday’s planning, as I want to be moving ahead! I mostly would do it to ensure a healthy balance of meals based on chicken, red meat, veg and fish. I checked the week we put together and was quite shocked by the amount of red meat – almost twice what I would include! I see a lot less snow in your view this morning – horrible when it gets messy and muddy!

    AQ – for the storecupboard, we have an “open a new one, buy the next” policy which seems to work well for us – except E-E can’t resist buying two of anything on special offer! I am trying to slow down on this for when we get the new kitchen in March.

    ANNETTE – sorry about internet and TV troubles yesterday.

    CLARE – if DT arrives on our shores, I hope we shall insist he takes tests for all kinds of nasty little things!

    Now time to say good night. Quick health update: E-Es dental extraction is going ahead tomorrow, J has real appt at Doc on Thursday, and I have a repeat mammogram next Tuesday!

  • Unknown said:
    CLARE – if DT arrives on our shores, I hope we shall insist he takes tests for all kinds of nasty little things!

    Well, your First Minister, very sensibly, doesn't intend to let him in.  Saying that, the White House has now denied any plan to disappear to Scotland ........ hmmmm.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • HEATHER, my fridge/ store cupboard arrangements are much the same as yours.
    I am glad that your daughter enjoyed the pampered chicken and made good use of it, including stock.

    OG, I remember my mother also getting Co-op deliveries. The 'order man' would come on Tuesday evening, and the groceries were delivered on the following Friday. I think there was some sort of loyalty stamp as well. Remember those?

    CLARE, I obviously missed the news of Orange Menace's holiday arrangements.

    ANNETTE, I like your filing system for groceries. My OH would do the random thing as well.
  • Lindkybird - re house , yes as OH's share comes to me plus the kids share if he goes first. Its only when I go as well that the house belongs to the kids.   Vice versa if I go first but hopefully for both of us that is way off yet.

    Thanks for all your news.

    AQ - sounds like you've got a lot of reading to do.

    Weather still chilly down here and probably till the end of the week with warmer air coming in next week.

  • Noticed last night when I went on to the supermarkets site that I use there was a que. Think people had heard Boris's announcement and were beginning to make sure they had a delivery. Fortunately when I went on again later in the evening no que so was able to book 3 weeks shopping up to the 22nd. Can always tweak list nearer the time. Just things like extra milk and maybe bread needed to top up.
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