Oh my, and I remember when we had to write 1950 on our school work   

Anyway, went for a walk on New Year's Day and here's a photo looking down on West Beach in Santa Barbara.


  • I like Boris for his relaxed manner, so there you go!!
  • Clare - My theory is that he enjoyed getting there but doesn't enjoy being there. If you see what I mean.

    Lindy - I'm not sure he's relaxed when he's doing press conferences and so on. My theory is that he's quite uncomfortable with anything formal. Just my opinion.
  • Nicola's announcement was as I anticipated, I have no problems with it at all but I'm not naive enough to think that there won't be folk who will break the law. It is very frustrating for the rest of us. When I was working, the fashionable thing was to get clients to sign a ' contract ' regarding future behaviours. A very wise and experienced consultant psychiatrist said to me - ' Heather, it's never going to work, for a lot of folk the word CONTRACT is spelt C H A L L E N G E. '
  • Morning all:

    PatO:  I loved Elizabeth is Missing!  I didn't realize it was a one-time program; had hoped for a series.  Oh well.  Glenda Jackson is brilliant and the actresses who played her daughter and granddaughter were perfect too.

    Llindybird:  That antique thistle tile really caught my eye.  Just lovely.   Oooh and that goose would make me smile every time I looked at it.    I'm sure I would've got on with your Mum!   Your decorations are understated but add a festive touch to each area.   I admire your dedication to adding something to each room. I tended to do the same when my grandkids were younger and would come to visit.  But gosh, I'm worn out thinking of all those boxes you have to pack  I had two and have just downsized to one.  :-))

    Clare: Yes, the book is "Trouble Blood" - I think her 'Strike' books get better all the time. Her characters have a lot of depth and she's very skillful at incorporating all the subplots.

    Heather:  Not a rant at all. The fact that so many people in key - and often overlooked - positions have remained dedicated to their work throughout this whole mess is truly impressive.  So many unsung heroes and heroines out there...

    OG: I really do need you to do the weekly shopping list for me.  I just sort of flail about....

    I think the only reason Boris might possibly appeal to anyone is that he isn't Donald Trump, who is still under the delusion that he won the election.  As for competent people (especially of the political variety), they seem to be an endangered species..

  • ANNETTE - I was listening to the recorded phone call between DT and the Georgia man. I have no words! Surely be should be impeached or is it just a question of bearing with it for another couple of weeks?

  • Annette - I think 'extinct' may be a bit more accurate than endangered. As for DT - like Heather, I have no words. I first heard it on World Service in the middle of the night when I was not quite awake - thought it was a bad dream until I heard it for the second time.

    I think we should all get OG to do our shopping lists. Although I haven't actually been into a shop for months, I could do with some disciplined approach to my online orders. When my delivery arrives I often think - did I really order that? Why?

    Looks like we're in for another complete lockdown. Will I notice the difference?
  • Pat, I think I agree with your theory about BJ,

    My son phone today, and he was furious about driving behind a lorry with a sign 'Covidiots Wear Masks' on the back (in Ohio).
  • Pat O said:
    My theory is that he enjoyed getting there but doesn't enjoy being there. If you see what I mean.

    I'll agree with that.

    Pat O said:
    My theory is that he's quite uncomfortable with anything formal.

    Bother is, when you've got the top job there are times when nothing short of formal will do.  Even I know that - and Winston could certainly have told him that.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Looks like everything's on hold again ...... unless you're a Premier League footballer.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Pat, you could be right. He enjoys his position but probably prefers working on a one to one basis or at least to a small gathering. I know that a lot of people have been very critical of Government over their handling of things, but apart from their being too slow at the very beginning, to react, I can't think of any other kind of actions they could be taking - too heavy handed and jobs will be lost, the economy will fail, and children will not have an education. Too slow and weak, and many will be infected, and a great many people will die. I think that if I were in charge, though, I would have taken note of how other countries did things and which things worked best, as after all, many countries were in a much worse state than we were, before it really took hold here.

    My cousin (who is female) said to me the other day, half joking, that "Women would have handled it all better!!" and we both laughed. Don't know if anyone here agrees - we do seem to be all female on this thread these days.