Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 December 2020


I'm sending best wishes to everyone. I know this is a hard end to a hard year. I hope you all find some peace and joy for the season.

Cardinal in the Snow
Shenandoah National Park
US National Park Service/N.Lewis
Photo labeled public domain (copyright free)

  • SUNNY KATE Love all the poems going round. It is so true.....Christmas is not cancelled.

    Like OG we go into level 4 on the 26th of December. This came as a bit of a surprise as we have very few cases here in the Highlands. Oh well, just have to grin and bear it again.
  • Morning all: Thanks for pix of pretty trees, poems, and yes, that Welsh slate nativity is really unusual.

    AQ:  Gosh, mail delivery every other day?  And everything vetted in Sydney for drugs?  It's a wonder anyone gets anything.    And only two e-mails asking for donations to Georgia Senate run-off race ?  That's about 300% less (fewer?) than what I got.  :-)    How are you doing ?

    Lindybird:  Hope Bonnie didn't get too high from the potpourri.   That stuff can be potent!  -)    Haha - can't rival the custard disaster, but was putting a tub containing leftover sauteed peppers and onion on the counter the other evening when I was distracted by the TV - and yes - missed the counter (but managed to get it all in one place on the floor). My UK BiL is a big custard fan too.

    OG:  Hope you don't have to make that hospital trip again and that J's test is good for now.  Put off stashing decorations until January 6 (last day of Christmas) so you can enjoy them.    Bournville just one of the many attractions I didn't see when I was living in the UK.  :-(

    I went out to watch the Grand Conjunction last night - at regular intervals - but didn't see it in spite of it being a clear night.  Don't ask me where it went.  I did spent a minute gazing at a street lamp a block over from us before I realized it wasn't Saturn and Jupiter.  Oh well....  

  • Have decided to stop carrying forward "clean bathrooms " in the diary every day - everyone can just do their best to clean up after themselves! Both "boys" have been trying to clear their ironing heaps as I threatened "no Christmas dinner if there are still piles of clothes and the ironing board in the dining room" - an empty threat really, as they know I shall want my Ch Dinner! E-E will be collecting our meat order from the butcher tomorrow, then no more shopping for a week.
  • KATE – Lovely poem with thoughts & hopes of better times. Thank you. I have sent it on to friends.

    LINDA - I should not have laughed so much at your custard mess!

    OG – How lovely your g-father’s “comforts” was able to be appreciated for so many years.

    ANNETTE – Aussie Post is too busy delivering parcels (online shopping) to care about cards & letters on time. I enjoy watching the Border Security TV programs where the sniffer dogs race up & down the conveyer belt of parcels & letters.

    I did not attempt to view Jupiter & Saturn when I realized it was low in west and it could not be seen from our front or back yard. I would have to prance out in street in my night attire.

    Food shop this morn was chaotic. I went early as usual, aisles cluttered, fruit & veg section had as many stackers as customers, I didn’t see any regular shoppers, all strangers. Is everyone having 500 to χmas lunch rather than permitted 50? LOL. Agenda for rest of my day is rest, rest, rest.

  • Just a thought

    Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection. (Pindar)

  • Good morning all from a very soggy Suffolk and more to come today!

    I have been keeping up with all your posts and like many of you I will not be seeing my Family now so will have a quiet few days and after that - well who knows.

    This is just a quick post as I am working today but just wanted to post one of my favourite Christmas Poems

    Cat in the manger

    by U.A. Fanthorpe

    In the story, I'm not there.
    Ox and ass, arranged at prayer:
    But me? Nowhere.

    Anti-cat evangelists
    How on earth could you have missed
    Such an obvious and able
    Occupant of any stable?

    Who excluded mouse and rat?
    The harmless necessary cat.
    Who snuggled in with the holy pair?
    Me. And my purr.

    Matthew, Mark and Luke and John
    (Who got it wrong,
    Who left out the cat)
    Remember that,
    Wherever He went in this great affair,
    I was there.

  • Good Morning. Love the poem, Harelady! I love cats.

    Dry here but showers promised - we are sallying forth to get last supplies, and pick up the turkey.

    Glad the custard story was enjoyed -- it fell with a resounding "WUMPH!!" And a cloud of powder spread so far, I was open mouthed at the mess! I've decided that if we ever encounter a burglar, I shall simply throw a drum of custard at him, to disorientate him!!

    OG - Let the cleaning go hang - no one will know! Pleased to hear your day went well at the hospital.

  • DIBNLIB - same here - we had just been changed to level 1 and then suddenly we get sent to level 4; our numbers of positive tests has risen - I assume this was due to the testing increasing to allow students in Dumfries to go home for the holiday. There has been a case in our nearest prmary school, so we keep away from children! They were in "bubbles" in school, but are now let loose to mix with any other under 12s!

    ANNETTE - good advice to leave decorations till 6th Jan - tho it should be 5th - if one does enjoy them, but I find the rooms cluttered with them around!

    AQ - E-E said Tesco was full of customers yesterday - I asked what were they predominately buying, and unsurprisingly he reported "Booze"

    HARELADY - I hope you have treated yourself to some goodies for your changed Christmas plans. Loved the thought of a wee cat (imagined a small fluffy version of our Scottish Wildcat) following Jesus around!

    LINDA - was wet here earlier but seems drier now - no sunshine yet. Thanks for the lovely ecard - did you read about the history of the song - fascinating!

    Nearly time for lunch - just ratatouille and pasta today as there is so much meat to come.
  • Not written since this morning, as was incandescent about our trying to collect the turkey! The shop is ten minutes away by car and the turkey was ordered weeks ago - two of us went, and I ran around and picked up other things such as fresh veg and milk...... We returned home an hour and a half later!!!

    Boring story later on.
  • Hmmm. What I'm wondering is if Lindybird actually got the turkey.....