Weekly Chat, Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hi everyone: Have a nice Sunday. Don't forget to catch up on last few entries of previous week - AQ is havng a hard time sleeping coz of the heat!!

Daughter here for the night; catch up tomorrow.  :-)

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  • Annette  Thanks for starting the new thread, the last one on the old servers. The brave new world is only two days away. I wonder if everything will transfer across?

  • Morning all,

    Thanks for starting the thread Annette, Everyone else thanks for the chat.

    Alicat : Glad your OH is a bit better,

    Weather is sunny with temp just above freezing at 0.6C. Pavements and roads were a sheet of ice this morning when I took Hamish out.

    Peregrine on the Derby webcam:


  • Thanks to Annette for starting the thread.  Wow, lovely pic of the peregrines, Alan.

    Morning, Everyone.   The frost was back here again last night & everything was very white when we got up today.

    There's a thought, we might lose everything we've said when they start up the new server!!!!!!!   Can't remember what I've said half the time, never mind other people's posts.

  • Lindybird  I suspect that everything will be transferred but there is no guarantee that it will be. Moving servers and particularly hosting company can have its problems. I will be sad if we lose so much good material.

     Still the best servers are in our head and we can always write it again.

  • ---Aaargh!  I'm off to copy some of my poetry now!!  (no other copies, not even in my head!)

    EDIT;   My head is the last place to look for anything!!!!

  • I do wonder about Wattle from time to time, and hope she is just busy so we will hear from her again, when the osprey season starts... only 110 days now!!! to go!!

    AQ:   Had to laugh about the postcards story - we sent some on the 2nd day of our holiday, the 9th of November  EDIT - I mean, we arrived home on the 8th, but we sent them on the 25th/26th October!! - and some of them arrived in UK this week!! 

    Brenda:  yes, we were tired on Friday after all the dashing about, but it was worth it!   Had a snooze after lunch on Saturday to make up for it, but then was frustrated because I'd got nothing done that afternoon.

    margo  - How wonderful that you have such a wonderful OH!!   I've got a good one, too - he has been clearing the paths & driveways of snow for neighbours all week, and just now is off to see if he can help someone we know who has no central heating as it's broken down in this awful weather.  Hope you feel snug in the new coat.

    Alicat:  Hope your OH continues to improve.  Take care of yourself, too.

    OG:  Wouldn't despair about not wearing a dress to a wedding - I have a friend who is dumpy, (on her own admission) & she looks just wonderful in wide legged trousers and a glamorous top -  easier to wear too, and comfortable!

    Tiger;  Love the tech support  jokes.

    Annette & Others:   We had a short visit to new Grandson deliberately, as the poor parents were exhausted after such a couple of busy days.  We can always have some much longer ones later on.  Loved the Lincolnshire pictures.

    patriciat & AQ:    Glad you like the name-  it is from two people in their family, and has connections with ours, too, as Thomas is in my OH's family.  Tomasz is pronounced  "Tom"  as in tomato, followed by 'asz'  which is as in "ash"  ("Tomash")

    Here is a pic of him which I took in his cot, dreaming of the wonderful things he is going to do one day:

    aaargh!  won't do it - I'm off to resize the pic, back later...


  • Here is another go:

    No, it still won't load - here is a try for a pic I took the other day of the heavy frost first thing in the morning, on our bedroom window....


  • Afternoon all,

    Just dropped LadyP off at her daughters and on the way a large buzzard flew across the road just in front of the car. Got a great view. Unfortunately no luck with the waxwings, they are being really elusive. Sun is shining and Hamish has had his walk. Off to watch footie now.

    There is a peregrine preening on the Zurich webcam at the moment:


  • Lindybird. The picture may not be loading as it is too big electronically. I think only pictures below a certain size can be loaded. Maybe you need to reduce the size of the picture in a graphics programme.

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