Weekly Chat, Sunday 28 November 2010

Ah. Lovely to meet you, Lynette & Dibnlib. [Pics on previous week's thread.]

Gorgeous pics of snow Wendy, Alicat & Osprey. But I bet you are not thinking "lovely"!!! My nearest to snow was some grey slushy roadside stuff in Tasmania 40 years ago.

Tiger I think I have Gary’s puzzle solved. Alas I can only award you 2½ out of 5 on the brain teasers. I was being diabolical this week. Until Friday then . . .

Linda Successful shrunk pics. The walker’s seat - what a wonderful way to remember someone.

Oh no, Auntie, minus temps already.

Alan Love your intermittent "busy pics", the shivery one, the dreaded leaf blower & the migration.

A bit shivery here today, expecting 20 C max again. I’m not complaining. A quiet day for me. Yesterday I helped Dau2 washing, wiping, cleaning, etc as per her list. G-kids did minimum possible. Brats. After lunch Dau & Sil went shopping while I guarded the fort. I think they were out longer than necessary but I don’t begrudge them that. The brats are really rude & unhelpful. GS greeted me with "what are you doing here?" Hello and nice to see you too! They spoke to their mother on Skype - what a lot of complaining & false info. Grumbling that Sil put passwords on computers. Well Miss14 did abuse the privilege. She is proud of doing badly in final exams. Alas these days kids don’t repeat a year at school. It seems it is more important to stay with peer group than to acquire knowledge. I just don’t understand them. Sorry. Rant over. I’ll go and read Linda’s answers again to put me in a better mood with some giggles.

  • Wendyb - more beautiful pics ... looks absolutely fabulous ... just glad I'm not there! Our snow has been melting all day, and now it is a soggy, dirty mess. Having said that just a mile or so inland it hasn't been thawing, and it is still snowing. Right here on the coast it is forecast to rain tonight ... if you can believe them!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • DjoanS: If the info on rain was from the BBC don't trust it as they always get it wrong up here. I always go with old Colin's predictions!!!

    Margobird: Pictures are more luck than judgement but I must admit I was quite chuffed with the view through the bridge. If you look really closely you can see a spiders web...honestly or maybe I can see it as I knew it was there.

  • Wow ! What a lot of snow !! It does look lovely in your pics, but is also a nuisance...
    I hardly dare to say about our small amount of about 3ins fell here last night, it is fine today, but more forecast for this evening. We are just getting the edge of the main falls from the East, so far. The mountains look very pretty though.

    I will be running out of bird food the rate they are eating it, but it is nice to see them. Apparently a few Waxwings were seen this week quite nearby, but I still have not seen one, I would really like to.


  • Margobird: Yes they came in but old Colin still has some more out and he has no room for them yet. His store cattle (young beef cattle about  a year old that another will bring on to maturity)  should have gone to Inverurie market last Thursday, he didn't send them as they might not of made it with weather as it was. Also the bidders might not have been there and he would not have got a good price. They were late getting all of them in as bedding prices have shot as there is a shortage of straw up here. Summer harvest was rubbish and the straw in most cases was a bit short.

  • Latest waxwing map. Some locally but still have not seen any. 

     As many as 450 in Dalston, Cumbria today


  • Lovely snowy pics from everyone.  We've only had a light dusting of it, but are promised 'proper' snow tomorrow, so I have stocked up on groceries in case I need to stay indoors.

    Last night made a terrific vegetarian stew from a new recipe:  had butter beans as a base with various veg and onions, then spiced up with paprika - delicious.  Watched the new programme with Johnny Kingdom looking at the birds - he is entertaining and quirky but quite a different on screen delivery from D. Attenborough!  Enjoyed the 'Strictly' progs over the weekend, but now agree with lots of others, that Anne W  should now throw in the towel, as it's ceased to be funny. Do wish Gavin would go, too - he is only relying on the teen vote for his looks, he can't dance at all.

    Great to hear that you enjoyed yourself in London, margo, and that you travelled safely.  Also nice to hear that you are still looking out for little Billy Whizz - I'm beginning to worry about him, myself, now!

    Good laugh at the 'Computer support' quotes, AQ!

    Annette:  I know you have such scenes where you are, but they are a novelty to us!  ;-)    - and it makes me feel warmer, just looking at them!  My OH is now wearing bedsocks, like some others on here.

    I would so love to see a real waxwing!

    Was sad to hear that Leslie Nielsen died; he was a good actor on the serious stuff, and a great comedian in the comedies.

  • Have i missed something who is little billy whizz

  • More sunshine pics to warm us up - this is a really busy beach with my OH sunning himself amongst the crowd (one other couple further along, and two or three sad seagulls- they were sad because we had only brought drinks with us, not food)

    Now I have a tale about the famous New Hat I took with me - we had just taken the picture I showed you the other day, when we walked further on around the Marina, and I tucked it under my elbow to take this pic of the waterfront-  I was also carrying my other hat, and a bag, so juggled it all and took this pic:


    -  such lovely boats - we always walk along deciding which one we would like to own, best.  Then climbed some steps to the right of the pic, where we could get a higher view of the whole of the area.  Ran (!) up the steps after Husband, then took some more pics, walked on, then said "hang on, where is my hat?"   !!!!  We both rushed back to where I had been standing to take the picture:  at least 5 minutes had gone by & I was convinced it would be in the water of the marina by now.  Both relieved to find it just lying on the ground. Must be a hat with Good Luck attached to it, I decided.

  • Billy Whizz is a stray cat who margobird has been feeding every day, Alicat - but he runs away fast when they try to pat him!

  • Lindybird said:

    Billy Whizz is a stray cat who margobird has been feeding every day, Alicat - but he runs away fast when they try to pat him!

    Thanks Lindybird