Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 November 2020


I hope everyone enjoys the Full Blue Moon! The second full moon in a month. 

Be safe and healthy all! 

Stay strong, friends. 

  • DIANE – Our minimum last night was 19.8C. It’s still early (9 am) but there’s a nasty hot north wind blowing. I wish I could blow it your way.

    ANNETTE – I was surprised to see the Aussies – Confederate connection too. But on second thoughts, lots of Aussies went to CAL goldfields, then there were the transported Irish rebels (convicts) who escaped from here to America. Not to forget the 1890s utopian socialist settlement of Aussies in Paraguay. We do get around!

    PAT – I am resisting even sneaking a peek at new books as I must finish a biography of Clara Schumann and return it to the after-hours chute on Sunday. This has been slow-going as the print is rather small and the quotes from letters even smaller.

    HEATHER – It sounds as if your son’s health solution is in his hands. We all have to adapt our lives as we get older. The lockdown & worries about the shop are not helping. I agree with ANNETTE’s suggestions, if at all possible. Back in March Dau#1 purchased online a sample wine pack for her father which was delivered to our door. Not much for the supplier but something.

    OG – Poor J, as if he didn’t have enough problems. At least only a minor bingle but to be without his car will be very annoying. I hope you have recovered from your meltdown. It’s not surprising as so much is happening in your house lately, as well as the covid crisis.

    SUNNYKATE - That whale sculptor should get a reward. . .  or some new commissions.

    HARELADY – It is so hard when we see our children struggling, even though they are grown up. I hope you can stay strong for them. Sorry I can’t offer any advice for Luna - I want to bang some sense into her father’s head. {{{HUGS}}}

    CLARE – I could get on my soap box and complain long & loud how people don’t accept others who are “different”. More brilliant photos, thank you.

    LINDA – Good to see your jigsaw progress. Well done. I would think that your OH’s attitude would be a definite spur to keep at it, no matter how long it takes.

  • Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. (Niels Bohr)

    Always be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the m is silent.

    Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers. (Socrates)

  • Evening all:

    Harelady:  It's just s heartbreaking what's happening to so many people.  The situation is absolutely unprecedented and I hope your son understands that many families are in this position and having to help each other out, willingly too. Perhaps there's some modest way that you could make a real difference that he wouldn't find humiliating?  Gift certificates for kiddies' clothes; food, etc....     As for Luna's Mom, can she take her ex to court without any significant expense?  Any pro bono or women's groups available to help/give advice?  Where are all these ignorant people coming from!  And who let them in!   Arghh...  

    Clare:  Delicate point, but if your nieces' Dad slipped over the border and he and/or the girls aren't U.S. citizens, I can understand the concern; on the other hand, we have millions of Latinos in California who are part and parcel of every community and most people I know adopt a 'don't ask' policy The way I look at it, California was Native American, then Mexican, before any gringos arrived to screw it up.  And in addition to Native Americans, we of course have African Americans whose ancestors came here as slaves.  Not a happy history at all for either group, who still have to fight for equality.   Thanks for the pix and yes, the wigeons' coloring is very seasonal!

    AQ:  The whole world came to the California goldfields, including the Chinese who were considered lowest men on the totem pole but whose skills, abilities and work ethic were responsible for blasting the way through the Sierras for the first transcontinental railroad.  A lot of utopian-seeking groups seemed to have headed for Central and South America....   Oh and I LOVE the quotes!

    Came into 'my' room to do some ironing and watch rubbish on TV before I have to dredge up dinner, but have been on here all that time......

    Take care all and hang in there everyone.  

  • HARELADY - the fact that your son is so proud and independent is a great compliment to you. It can be difficult to break through that and I can understand your worries about his mental state. He is probably feeling a great sense of failure but as ANNETTE said, these are terrible and unprecedented times and he is by no means alone. In practical terms of they have a mortgage it is sometimes possible to negotiate what I believe is called a mortgage holiday. A break from payments for a few months. As for not wanting to accept financial help from you - I have always said to my children ' Let me help, I love doing it, I might need you to help me when I'm ancient ' . Or I have been known to mention that they might have to change my nappy one day. At that point they usually laugh and say something along the lines of 'God forbid' (!), but the ice is broken and conversation is more relaxed.
  • Unknown said:
    Delicate point, but if your nieces' Dad slipped over the border and he and/or the girls aren't U.S. citizens, I can understand the concern

    Happily, he didn't.  I'm pretty sure his parents are living in the US legitimately ........ but even if they hadn't, the local area is quite dependent on all the undocumented workers, isn't it?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Gosh, we've all written such a lot since this thread began!

    Clare, you can tell I was tired when I posted, LOL!!

    AQ - I also love the quotes!! That Socrates was ahead of his time! -- some dude, LOL! The "asses" suggestion was so apt for the present, where elections are pending.

    Annette, much discussion here on the possible results of the election. Let's hope there is no violence in the outcome.....

    Heather - Sensible ideas from you re the problems.

  • So sorry to read about so many problems - redundancy, businesses struggling, people under stress and pressure for all sorts of reasons. It's such a difficult time and we all feel out of control - not something we could have planned for, and still not knowing how long it will continue. My thoughts, prayers and hugs to all those involved in difficult family matters.

    Clare - Thank you for another set of great photographs. I am particularly impressed with the final one of the skein of pink-footed geese. You did a fantastic job getting the twists and turns. That should win you a competition!

    Still wet and blowy here, although the odd glimmer of sunshine. More like April than November, apart from the flying leaves.
  • This is going to sound awful, but for the first time in my life I'm very relieved to not be in paid employment. As Limpy's full-time carer, I get Carer's Allowance - it's a pitiful amount of money but at least it can't be taken from me. We also own our home outright .......... phew.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather, Annette and all of you that have sympathised and shared your thoughts - Thank You! Heather I actually used the "you would want to help me wouldn't you"  with my Son.

    Yes it is a hard time for us all. My son is 40 next year and feels like he should have had his career sorted but like most of us he just fell into this last job and was getting on - but these are unique times and a lot of families are suffering with more to come before it gets better.

    My Daughter took advice but before she can apply to a court to be the main decision maker regarding medical treatment - they/she has to had had Mediation - which he would not go to. So she went alone - it was done over Sykpe - and cost £125 for 50 minutes. She said it was good and at the end the Mediator said she would approve and stamp the authorisation needed to progress to a court case. She now has a 30 minute free consultation with a solicitor and we will take it from there.

    As a Mother you never stop worrying - all we want is for our children to be healthy and happy don't we.

    We have a sunshine and showers day and then it turns dryer and slightly warmer, so all that can - do try and get our for your regulation exercise or just wrap up and sit in the fresh air and watch the birds. Have a good day all and once again - thanks for being there.

  • Heather: I'm glad your brother is improving. I hope Callum's case is soon dropped. Three years is too long. I'm so sorry about your son's diagnosis. I hope this will cause him to make some changes in his lifestyle, and he will be able to progress toward good health. I wish him success in keeping the business afloat. A lot of people here are splurging on small luxuries that they can enjoy at home, so maybe he can make more money than is projected by accepting online or phone or contactless pickup orders. Sending good energy to him and you.