Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 November 2020


I hope everyone enjoys the Full Blue Moon! The second full moon in a month. 

Be safe and healthy all! 

Stay strong, friends. 

  • dibnlib said:

    Benson had just spotted this very long stick and I had told him it was way too big and there was no way a weed like him could carry it.  He obviously thought different.... a case of so there!!!!

    Was he an osprey in a previous life?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I’m checking in late today as my camera took me out for the morning – to Port Adelaide & Semaphore photo-ing old buildings (old by our timeline!). I invaded the Semaphore Library to capture (with permission) the lovely decorative ceiling & walls of the Victorian-era Institute. Yesterday I saw surgeon, my op is Tuesday week 17th. Dau#2 insists on bringing me home next day. She is desperate to help. That’s OK but I am not going to wallow in misery; positive thinking worked with 2nd knee replacement. OH went out to lunch and came home re-energized – he’s vacuuming. Yeay.

  • Just a thought

    He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at.

  • AQ:  Glad you got out with your camera.  I do like that things are moving along pretty fast for your and that Dau #2 is eager to help.  Think positively and accept it!  :-)


  • AQ - so glad that you will be ' sorted' soon. Watch out for man with vacuum cleaner ! My OH managed to knock over a wax melt burner thingy the one and only time he hoovered. Melted wax is not easy to get off carpets...
  • Good Morning. Sun is gleaming over the horizon here and there's a pretty pink sky again. No wind at all, it's very calm.

    AQ: That's all good news. I know you will just "get on with it" as thats how you dealt with your knee ops, and you are practical and sensible. Doesn't stop me from sending endless virtual HUGS around the world to you, though!

    Annette, I can only say that things there are getting more interesting.......
  • My OH is a good one for getting things done, which is to the good, but when I ask for housework help he seems bent on proving what quick work he can make of it. When he hoovers he rarely moves any furniture around so I sometimes run in front of him and put the dining chairs to one side so that underneath the table gets done properly.

    Only yesterday I was mulling over how men (sorry to those reading) also seem to forget that you need to clean the cleaning implements! The cloth on the sink was brown with coffee stains where he'd wiped up a mess but then not rinsed out the cloth. I frequently have to say "what's that smell?" as a hint that the hoover is labouring because he never empties the container, just keeps on working, and the hoover is struggling. But then, I know I'm so lucky to have someone who will drop everything to help as soon as I ask.
  • I think, LINDY, that there are more men around these days who don't have a problem helping in the house! Men of my OH's generation just weren't made that way. Its amazing to realise that he would have been 90 next month. He worked outside and the wife worked inside!
    I remember that J has a GP appointment today, OG. I hope that it all goes well and the right decisions are made.
  • Heather - He didn't help much with childcare and later admitted that he regretted it as he probably missed out. Nowadays they are so much more hands on with that, and our sons both changed nappies for their offspring, and take a turn still, at bath time.

    Must dash off. Back later.