Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 November 2020


I hope everyone enjoys the Full Blue Moon! The second full moon in a month. 

Be safe and healthy all! 

Stay strong, friends. 

  • LINDA - I'm at your front door, knocking and inviting myself for scones.

    Lovely cool day. Gardening for 10 mins. Tomatoes are growing - at least the stems and leaves are. I got them in too late to expect fruit before C-mas.
  • Gardening does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized. (Allan Armstrong)

    There is always music in the garden but our hearts must be quiet to hear it.

    Leave room in your garden for the fairies to dance.

  • Evening all: Still hanging on the edge of the cliff here. Still not taking anything for granted. and waiting for the fat lady to sing (is that p.c. any more to say that?).

    AQ: I read something sometime back that claimed gardening was a predictor for longevity because there's always something that needs doing and which gets you out of bed every day.
  • Good Morning. Dry here and a pink sky appearing as the sun rises. We've had stunning moons in the heavens for a few days now (well, one moon anyway).

    I see the Orange Baby is now throwing his rattles out of the pram in frustration. It would be funny if it weren't for the seriousness of the situation.

    AQ - My mother, a knowledgeable and serious gardener, used to say that gardeners live longer because of the serenity of being in the garden, plus they are always eager to see what's going to come up out of the ground in the next season.
  •  OG   Glad things are a little better for you.

    Thought I would send this pic of Benson, hopefully it will bring a smile to a few faces.  So many people are going through pain other than covid.  

    Benson had just spotted this very long stick and I had told him it was way too big and there was no way a weed like him could carry it.  He obviously thought different.... a case of so there!!!!

  • You can almost hear Benson saying 'Told you so!!' That is one determined dog, and he certainly brought a smile to my face.

    Foggy here this morning, but the sun is up there and will hopefully burn through soon. First day of the second lockdown - so far I haven't noticed any difference. I did a small shop on Tuesday, and have a delivery booked for next week, So hopefully won't have to go out for ages.

    Interesting discussions about what is classed as 'essential' shops which can stay open and 'non-essential' which will have to close for a month. Apparently Homebase, The Factory Shop and Benson's For Beds are 'essential' - really??? But IKEA is 'non-essential' - well, I'll always agree with that one. No wonder people are confused. More and more meetings and social things are moving online, which doesn't worry me too much - means I don't have to go out on cold dark evenings. I 'went to' a brilliant webinar yesterday, which I would never have managed to do 'live'. But it's a shame they have closed churches again, particularly just before Remembrance Day.
  • LOL, dibnlib!! He's certainly enjoying himself Smile

    Hope that OG, EE and J are having a better day.
  • Ho Hum.  I'm getting up, not checking the headlines until I've been for a long walk and got breakfast organized.  Busy cleaning out the garage (yet again) and am making a list of things to be got rid of, for example a very long and heavy expanding ladder that I'm sure I won't use again and which takes way too much space.  Yesterday I investigated all the paint cans, combined contents where possible and organized empties to take to the hazardous waste disposal place on Saturday, plus other stuff to drop off at the thrift shop   When I get frustrated I tend to go looking for things to organize and/or throw out.  OH better watch out.  :-)    I'm also getting rid of some ancient Christmas lights (all with scratched up bulbs!); no more hanging them along the front and sides of the house and fighting my way around shrubs and downspouts.  Got one of those lights  on a stick to put out front that projects colors onto the front of the house  .The Arizona contingent had them the other year and they're really pretty - and so easy!   Will still hang some lights around the patio though and some fairy lights inside. I'm way ahead of myself, but need to do Positive Stuff.  Arghhh!

    Hope everyone's okay!

  • All sound like good decisions, to me Annette!

    We had a good sort out of our outside lights a couple of years ago and I finally managed to get my OH to ditch some really ancient multi coloured ones with old fashioned bulbs you can't buy replacements for any more. Those gadgets on a stick seem to be very effective, and certainly save on ladder climbing!

    We've got Boris on TV justifying his actions on the lockdown, and it seems t o make sense to me, although it's very hard on some of the population.