Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 November 2020


I hope everyone enjoys the Full Blue Moon! The second full moon in a month. 

Be safe and healthy all! 

Stay strong, friends. 

  • OG - Hope that whatever caused the meltdown is now resolved. Sorry that J has more car trouble, what a nuisance. Hope things go well with having the work done in the house.

    Heather, sorry you've so much going on at the moment - good that your brother is recovering. Also, upsetting that Callums case is dragging on so much, a strain for everyone.

    Relatives of ours had a hairy journey back from Scotland over the weekend. High winds meant they had to stop overnight which wasn't on their schedule, as there was a danger of their caravan (being towed) overturning in the gales.
  • Had some lunch. Gas fitter no 2 arrived - and now an electrician too. Strange noises now accompanied by strange smells!

    We saw the whale tails near miss on the news - getting the train moved should be an engineering feat worth watching in itself!

    Been wondering if the workmen will be gone in time for us to have dinner this evening - I am very "iffy" about take away these days. Planned meal is homemade meatloaf from the freezer - with more of those lovely brussels sprouts.
  • Had some lunch. Gas fitter no 2 arrived - and now an electrician too. Strange noises now accompanied by strange smells!

    We saw the whale tails near miss on the news - getting the train moved should be an engineering feat worth watching in itself!

    Been wondering if the workmen will be gone in time for us to have dinner this evening - I am very "iffy" about take away these days. Planned meal is homemade meatloaf from the freezer - with more of those lovely brussels sprouts.
  • OG - I hope that you will get your planned meal, even if a bit later than you would like.
    Just had phone conversation with my son. Not good, he says that extended lockdown will be the death knell for the business. We are trying to look at the bigger picture, of course. He is worried sick, three children and a mortgage etc. I will help as much as I can. We pensioners are very lucky, it seems to me.
    I hope that you are feeling more settled, OG and have barricaded yourself in a room away from tradesmen x

  • OG No, I don't think we have met your friends in our woods. I think I would remember a gang that size!!

    Sorry to hear of Js little accident. It may be only a minor incident but it is still another thing you could have done without.
  • HEATHER I do hope your son can keep the business going. What a nightmare for you all.
  • Morning all:  Thanks for posts and news.

    SunnyKate: Phew indeed!

    Heather:    Hope you son is able to follow doc's advice - most of those complaints can be dealt with without meds but do need self-discipline.  Can your other son restrict himself to on-line sales to make it worthwhile?  Or maybe take orders online for 'curbside pickup'?  I have to agree our generation was very very lucky.  If witness statements are vague, I assume that might bode well for Callum - fingers crossed anyway!  Glad your bro is making progress; is his mood improving too?   

    OG:  I'm wondering why Nicola doesn't call for closure of the border except for absolutely essential business.....  Re those neighbors, I'd be tempted......   Hope J wasn't too shook up about the minor accident.   Is the gas engineer visit linked to the upcoming kitchen redo?

    Lindybird:  Ha! And where might Auntie BBC find positive news of U-No-Hoo!

    I'm going to Tai Chi and the gym today to Do Positive Things in the face of all the brouhaha..... So there! 

  • ANNETTE - it's the same son, I only have the one plus three daughters!
    Anyway, I said that I wouldn't go on about things, so will try and shut up :-)
  • Heather: Oh my, sorry. I obviously lost the plot; got confused with SiL's I guess! Well, that's a double whammy for him isn't it? No wonder he has health problems... :-(
  • Evening all - just read all the posts as I was working all day and was away in London visiting Son & Family. It was a very stressful visit as he was made redundant last month but didn't tell me. He was hoping to get another job but as you can guess in the present climate etc. It is a double whammy for them as his wife was made redundant earlier this year just before she was about to give birth to Lily. She got a good redundancy package but my Son will just get statutory. He is very depressed and anxious and not sleeping. I have tried to reassure them that I will help but he hates asking for it and thinks he should not need to ask. So I am at my wits end worrying naturally.

    To add to our problems, my Daughter - Luna's Mum - is having trouble with her ex partner (Luna's Dad) who is a COVID denier and who saw an appointment for Luna to have the 3 year nasal flu spray and called the doctors and cancelled it and said she was not to have any interventions without his authority. Apparently he is within his rights and the only way is for my Daughter is to take him to court! What a state of affairs.

    All advice or suggestions greatly received on either matter.

    Stat safe and well all.