Weekly Chat, Sunday, October 24, 2010

It is that time for a new thread again. We continue from  Weekly Chat, Sunday, October 17, 2010 Last week had so many fascinating topics I am not sure what should be carried forward.

It was such an eclectic mix, my  memory is of birthdays, bears, steam engines, hedgehogs, hummingbirds, osprey pictures, computers,  relativity, quantum mechanics and cats of  all types. No doubt it will be repeated in the week to come.

Oh I forgot. Outlaws and inlaws! :)


  • Hello ChloeB and thanks for the hug, it is nearly 12.30 and having gone to bed at 10.30 and not being able to get to sleep I thought I would make myself a hot drink and have a peek at the chat.  Have such a lot going on in my mind that sleep seems to be far away at the moment.  I am never awake at this time as a rule. 


  • Talking of hugs. This is a real hug. View at   hug.

  • Tiger  thanks for that link, that is one big hug.  Made me smile.  Nice to have company so early in the morning.


  • Hi Margo, bet you have all gone to bed now. Nice hug Tiger :)

  • Diane - Birds must be very clever. Our blackbirds could tell the difference between Jasper & I in the backyard and just I alone. They seem to recognise that I am protective of them as they come quite close now.

    Margo - What a pity you couldn’t take photos. Before I bought my digital camera, friends told me to make sure I had one with a viewfinder, as those without are hopeless in sunlight. But I believe so many of the cheaper cameras don’t have viewfinders anymore.

    Joan - Enjoyed your pics. Standing room only!!!

    Continuing Port Augusta Arid Lands garden. Some of these are Eremophila, used by Aborigines. Bark mixed with emu fat to treat skin problems. Infusion from leaves make eyewash, cure headaches, encourage deep sleep & pleasant dreams. One, known as Emu bush, has fruit eaten by emus & bush turkeys but poisonous to humans.

    Another unidentified tree, and close-up.

    This busy corvid was eating breakfast. I think it is an Australian raven.

  • Evening all:  Still here on my old computer since didn't get through at the courthouse until 4:30 and by the time I got home I simply had to go for a walk before I did anything else (hence leftovers again for poor OH's dinner) and was too tired to take computer in.  Anyway, I'm in the backup group of six for a jury that's in the process of going through the "voir dire" process (questioning by attorneys to determine any possible bias).  Have to be back in court tomorrow afternoon and hope I don't end up as one of the two alternates since this looks liike a three-week trial.  Still, what will be will be.

    Tiger: So an upcoming birthday eh? Your secret is safe with me!  :-)

    Margo: Maybe have AQ send you some of that plant that encourages deep sleep and lovely dreams? Sounds like you could use it (me too please AQ!)

    Hallo to everyone else; enjoyed reading posts from everyone, even if I don't respond invidiually all the time. Take care!


  • Unknown said:

    Margo: Maybe have AQ send you some of that plant that encourages deep sleep and lovely dreams? Sounds like you could use it (me too please AQ!)

    Fine, Annette, except I am so bad at ID-ing  plants, you may end up with the poisonous one. And I wouldn't want that.

    Time for some smiles. Ofice wall signs:-

    I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.

    If all else fails, read the instructions.

    Who, me? I just wander from office to office.

  • Hey AQ:  "If all else fails, read the instructions" - that was written for me!   Re those plants, I'll let Margobird be the guinea pig!  :-))

  • Hazel b said:

    New blog by Richard Thaxton. See The Russians are coming... I guess you could not have written that in days gone by without triggering a nuclear alert!

    LOL that sentence certainly has a 'tone' here too, living next door to that Eastern Bear LOL

  • Hello all. We’ve been having mixed weather. Rain, fog, sunshine and some sleet (melts of rather fastly though) some minus C temps during nights so have been scraping windshield in mornings, days are still several plus degrees, so quite a normal October weather. Great full moon photos, Chloe! I was watching the same moon and once again wished I had a camera, well maybe someday :) . Once again super pics OG, AQ, DjoanS and others, thanks. Oh, poor Alfie, Dibnlib, hope he gets better soon, but gotta say he look so cute even being poorly. Margo, so sorry to hear that you and your OH are having such a troubled times, thinking of you and yours. Interesting discussion of jury duties, really looking forward to hear if Annette is going to be selected or considered bias LOL. Have a nice day each and everyone and take care!