Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 October 2020


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy week with moments of joy and contentment!

Stay strong, my friends. 

Some of you may like this Facebook post from Dr. Sharon Blackie, Irish psychologist and mythologist. HERE

  • Had quite a time with the defrosting, as far more water came out than I expected and I wasn't ready for it, with a receptacle far too small. Result, a big puddle on the concrete garage floor. Never mind. Put a dog towel on it to mop up, and thoroughly cleaned everything before switching back on. Now hoping to get some food back in it tonight, which is at present in cold bags on the floor. Had a meal of long ago cooked chicken casserole with frozen sweet potato chips. Tomorrow, we're going out for lunch, then having just a snack later, so the pork I had to defrost as well will be Thursday's meal.

    We saw The News today and all the charts, which seem to show that we're very near to some of the worst bits of the country at the moment, were somewhat worrying. We said that we would have to be very careful about going out anywhere, but of course can't resist having our lunch out in a pub as it's already booked. Might be the last treat for a while, though.

  • Yesterday I met Travel Friend for our deferred lunch in park. More photos when I get time. Returning home, I detoured past g-son, his phone not working, no answer to knock at door, so I posted his card & enclosure under the door. It would be nice if he bothered to let us know he found it. Back to “normal” day this morn – food shopping.

    OG – I’m OK, just busy. Yester morn I had to return for further tests on a “shadow” after recent BreastScreen; biopsy results on Friday. What will be, will be.

    There were lots of ibis, most of them looking very grubby.

    This one busy preening. . .

    . . . before strutting off.

  • AQ - Sorry you've had the worry of the medical problem - hope it turns out to be nothing at all. Its unlikely to be much at our age, as usually its younger women who have this. Our NHS doesn't even give routine tests and mammograms after age 70. Mind you, I was told by the nurse to ask for a test if I wanted one in future, when I had my last ever one a couple of years ago. We can request a mammogram even if we are not on schedule for one.

    The Ibis look so exotic to us, we dont have them here except in zoos.

    My freezer is now humming away, so I put a few things into it so that it doesn't have to work too hard to get cold again. Off to bed weary....
  • Anyone else feel like knocking all the politicians heads together????
  • A royal spoonbill was flying back & forth collecting twigs for his nest in a tree on a small island in the wetlands.

    He’s collected a twig with gum leaves still attached.

    His breeding-season crest can be seen as he struts past our bench. “Breeding adults also have a creamy-yellow wash across the lower neck and upper breast.”

  • Evenng all

    Clare:   That's a huge amount of weight - almost as much as what I weigh in pounds.

    PatO:  I don't know anything about The Trump Show - but I've been watching the news, so maybe the same thing? :-)

    AQ:  Glad you got out to lunch with friend finally. I hate the waiting for test results; like we don't have other things to fret about!   The ibis in that last shot looks like a bird on a mission.

    Getting back in gear here.  Meanwhile, in Arizona, Ms. D had her braces removed and is all teeth!

    Take care everyone.

  • ANNETTE - Mrs Ibis was probably complaining if Mr Ibis didn’t hurry up, the nest would not ready in time!
  • View of the Roy Amer Reserve. These wetlands are in midst of a suburb, with houses quite close, cafe to one side. Friend said it had always been a swampy place but when developed into wetlands with walking paths, some people in nearby houses complained “too many birds”!!!! The birds were not fazed by us, as they walked and flew quite close to our bench.

    One lone pelican sailed by.

    A pair of moorhen fossicking.

  • Just a thought

    The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache. (Marjorie Pay Hinckley)

  • Lindybird said:
    Anyone else feel like knocking all the politicians heads together????


    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.