Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 October 2020


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy week with moments of joy and contentment!

Stay strong, my friends. 

Some of you may like this Facebook post from Dr. Sharon Blackie, Irish psychologist and mythologist. HERE

  • LINDA - why not use last tub of Turkey stock to make gravy for this coming Christmas?
  • There's an idea....

    I did get to order this year's turkey, online. It's the same size as last years, so my OH will probably cut it in half and freeze half ready for an Easter feast. Had to resist all the other goodies which looked so yummy on the website, as there will only be the two of us over the festive season, whatever the "rules" are by then.

    Had a good chat with each of our families tonight - they are all keeping well, and I suspect that they were checking up on us, as it as been in the media today about how much our area has got a lot more infections recently. Of course, it's the half term holidays this week for all our grandchildren, so our sons and spouses are all off work and planning all kinds of treats and outings. I don't remember my father ever taking a holiday to be with us, except on our annual two weeks in August, in Devon or Cornwall!
  • Hallo everyone.  Have spent the day going through piles of paperwork etc on my desk that I've been ignoring for weeks.  If I can just get OH to write two checks, I can file the fattest folder away!  Anyway, I feel like I lost 5 lbs!

    Watched the debate last night; no shouting from T.  Millions of people - a record number - have already voted and I can't imagine how anyone could be undecided at this point.

    OG: Literally, what a pain.  I do wish there was something the docs could do to help...

    Have to hose down and zip off on an errand/appointment with OH, who's fretting about possible lines...

    Thanks all for posts.  


  • I had to visit local shopping centre this morn as my watch battery died yesterday. I feel so helpless without the time! I was reduced to carrying my tiny travel clock in my pocket! Already out, I called into local library to collect a book I had ordered on inter-library system – last July.

    In other news, I had my biopsy results yester afternoon. Botheration, it is a small breast cancer. Visit to GP Monday for referral to surgeon and all that follows. I am OK, just peeved as I was planning camera outings before the weather gets too hot. Thanks for thinking of me LINDA.

  • If you are not coffee, chocolate or bacon, I’m going to need you to go away.

    Bacon is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. (Benjamin Franklin)

    When you have bacon in your mouth, it doesn't matter who's president or anything. Every time I'm eating bacon I think, I could die right now, and I mean it. That's how good life is. (Louis CK)

  • AQ; Botheration indeed. But if it's small, then there are options (friend of mine had small one years ago, minimal surgery and not much else from what I remember). And breast cancer is less aggressive at our age. Let us know what's planned. Very tiresome that it might interfere with camera outings. Boo.
  • AQ. So sad to read yout Biopsy news, Love ,Prayers and Hugs on their way in abundance. Do take care,hoping that treatment will start for you ASAP, as you say " before the Weather becomes too hot.

    Saw this smiler yesterday.( and thought of yoohoo)
    " Why is the Library tallest building in the Street"?.......answer below

  • Thanks ANNETTE & KATE. I was never a Scout but I must have some Scout genes LOL - I am making 2 large mince (meat) pies. Some for tea tonight and rest for freezer in serving size packs for those times when I can’t or won’t be bothered cooking.
  • Answer to smiler above......

    Cos it has the most STORIES.........Doh!!!
  • AQ - Sorry to read your news. Bu***r. As Annette says, good job they caught it early as it will mean minimal treatment, hopefully. Have you told the family or are you going to keep it to yourself for a while? Hope they treat it asap and you can soon put it all behind you.