Weekly Chat, Sunday October 10, 2010

In the absence of Annette it falls to me to start the new weekly thread.  Continuing from  Weeky Chat, Sunday 3rd October 2010

 I hope you all have a great week and no doubt we should welcome back Annette before the end of it. Hopefully the other holidaymakers will reappear too. It is so hard to keep track of but if memory serves me right both OG and Alicat are also on holiday.  A birthday coming up on Saturday (16th)  too :)


  • See you snuck in while I was putting on the above, auntie!  Hope you're OK and that your Mum continues to improve.

  • Morning all,

    Alicat : Yhanks for the osprey pics. Its great when you manage to capture one in flight as they are so hard to follow.

    Lindybird : Thanks for the mondays smile pics.

    Emma Peel : Glad you enjoyed the HOG meeting yesterday. Shame about the weather in your area yesterday.

    Gary : Here is a link to the results of the 2010 WCC:


    Pic of 2 of the lady competitors yesterday:

  • Lindybird  I love your Monday smile as always. That top picture reminds me of life as a child when we used to sit on the top of loads of hay and turf, indeed beg to be given the chance.

    AQ   Oh it shows how little I know about the Australian outback. However your picture of the settlers hut reminded me of when I was growing up.

    The house I was born in.

    My very first school classroom.

    The outside of the school


    All pictures taken on Monday 21st September 2009

    I have many good memories of both places. I started to walk to school about a mile from home at the age of five. I only ever had other children all less than eleven years of age for company.

    First task of the morning at school was to try and get the coal burning stove lighted. In retrospect it was very educational.

    Alan   I do not think I have ever had such good reports of the World Conker Championships. I remember at this time of year it was normal to ask a school friend how many his conker was the king of before engaging in battle.

    I once had a particularly hard conker. However during a battle the string broke and somehow when the conker was recovered someone had "accidently" trod on it!

    Emma  Yes there will be much anticipation of Marge's return in March 2011.

  • Good Morning All. Another beautiful morning but a stronger cooler wind.

    Alicat, Lovely photographs of your cats. What a thrill seeing the osprey. Thanks for the photographs.

    Heather, What a successful year for your grapes. Seems such a shame to have to give so many away.

    Lynette, No harm in having a day of not doing anything, just relax and enjoy. The trouble is we can always think of something we could be doing and then feel guilty for just doing nothing.

    Emma, Are the hog meetings just social get together or do you plan future meets and rides ?

    Gary, Horse dentist visit !  I presume you have to keep the horses calm whilst the dentist has a prod around. I would think that could be fun.

    AQ, I like the thoughts of 28c temperature, now that our autumn has arrived. Sounds as if you have to be very alert, watching what Jasper is getting up to.

    Auntie, Good to hear you have sunshine, but +4c, feeling like -1c does not appeal.

    Linda, I had a good laugh at your pictures this morning. Is it the end of this week that  you go on holiday ? Not that long before Sweetpea's arrival now.

    Hope you all enjoy your Monday.



  • Thanks Tiger for the pictures of your childhood home and school. I also used to play conkers and used to soak them in vinegar to make them really hard. It was brilliant when you beat someone who had a conker with a high score.

    We have had a few goldfinches around the feeders this morning. Took this pic:

  • Hi Brena H, the osprey pics was really hard to get as the osprey keept flying about but managed it in the end that one was the best so posted that one and also zoomed it in on camera then upload to computer and then i posted them for you all to see it was great seeing it also had time to see it though my bins it has been there about 11 days now as of yesterday 12 today if its still there,The cat pictures are Chloe b's cats not mine

  • Good morning TerryM did not log in yesterday so now catching up and what lovely pictures of Leni and Meggie.  I see you say Leni teases Meggie but are they good friends still.  Hope you had a good "mushroom day" yesterday.


  • Alicat, Sorry about getting the cat pics. mixed up. I would hope the osprey will move on now and continue with it's migration. Brilliant that you were able to get your photographs though. I did enjoy seeing them.

    Chloe, Sorry, senior moment, but I do love your cat pictures.

  • Good morning ChloeB and love the mongage of your pusscats.  I am a great cat fan but do not have one as a pet at the moment.  We have five neighbour cats who regularly visit and my OH is such a softie he got some cat food and now as well as sorting out the bird trays each morning and evening I also have to make sure the visiting cats have food and milk as well.  Each one has a different personality and keep us both very amused.  Four come at various times during the day and one only visits at night, from about 10.30 to first light in the morning.  I think there must be plenty of mice around as we back on to a field and I do see them in the day.


  • Hazel b said:

    ChloeB. You never know your luck, you might pick up some magic mushrooms :)  Even make shroom tea!

    For you bear fans. I love this picture. See Lily and Hope



    Good morning Tiger  that picture of Lily and Hope is wonderful.  I always have a look each day to see how they are doing.  Amazing how close they are now after the long and a couple of shorter separations.  I see on Facebook they are wondering if Lily is pregnant and how things will pan out if Lily and Hope den together during the winter. 
