Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 October 2020


The new moon (the dark moon) occurs on 16 October, Friday.

I hope everyone stays healthy and experiences some joy this week. 

Stay strong, friends. 

  • AQ - well, that was a quick day! Hope the Tom plants don’t get sunburn this year. Love the CS Lewis quote.

    LINDA – was supposed to be a dry day, but we have had a few short showers. But there has been some sunshine between.

    CLARE – good to read that you are fitter and shrinking! Hope you can continue. Feeling fitter also helps deal with the stresses of life too.

    DIBNLIB – lovely to see (and hear) all the Geese arriving – Whooper Swans here too.

    We baked quiches this morning – one for today’s tea and two to freeze. I then talked OH through a tasty stir-fry for lunch, so spent the whole morning sitting in the kitchen. Now supposed to be doing paperwork.
  • We had showers this afternoon after a sunny morning. Put some trousers in the wash to take advantage of the weather, but as they came to the end of their cycle, it began raining :-(

    Dibnlib: A sight to lift the heart, when geese fly over. We've had a few lately and I drop everything to watch them (and hear them).

    Clare: Well done, you. Glad you are feeling the benefit already.
  • Hi all
    I'm lurking a bit, lots on my mind and I find it hard not to let it out ! Thanks for the chat..
  • HEATHER - oh dear - sorry to hear you so low. Hope something good happens for you and your family soon.
  • You have my sincere sympathy, Heather.  In the meantime, imagine this lot are letting it all out for you by proxy:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LOL! Noisy lot, Clare!!

    Heather, sorry you've things on your mind. All will pass. {{HUGS}} from here, across the air.
  • I singled them out for their appropriate subtlety and tact ............ not to mention their magnificent vocals!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lovely gull pics Clare. Probably just as well we can not hear them!

    What sort of gulls are they? We see a lot of gulls over the river, but I cannot make out what sort they are. The small ones are now back doing their 'string of pearls' formation around the sides of the boats.

    Sorry that you are feeling low Heather. Like all of us here, I wish you well.

    OG, DIBNLIB, I also like to see geese and swans flying overhead. I saw seven ducks today flying over today. I love ducks. Not graceful, but looking very determined.
  • Food shopping, phone call from Dau#2, started prep-ing tomato patch but too hot to continue (31 C).
  • I want to grow my own food, but I can’t find any bacon seeds.

    Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree. That makes it a plant. Choc is salad.

    I like cooking with wine. . . sometimes I even add it to the food.