WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 4, 2020

Hallo all.   Don't fail to check back and see Lindybird's lovely pix of Anglesey.

Rosy:  That's a tough one; maybe suggest she not commit to do all the work until the leaves and rubbish are gone and she can see what she's up against.....  Good luck.

Wrote my last batch of letters to prospective voters - this time in Kansas.  Have been following the headlines, but as usual with this White House, it's impossible to know what's what.a

It's my daughter's 60th today.  We tend to celebrate both sides of birthdays, so she's been the recipient of several days of treats, flowers, gifts with more to come (most noticeably the recliner which has yet to arrive).  I was really hoping to be there for her birthday but the new windows were scheduled to be installed in the AZ house this coming week so we decided I'd come early for them.  But now they've been delayed a week thanks to Covid (we hope that's all!) so I'm now planning to go a week later. 

Take care everyone.

  • OG - I hope that today will be a better one for you x
  • Good Morning. Another, "extra Friday" for me, as I felt as if it was Friday all day yesterday! On the other hand, the week seems to have rushed by, so how does that work!!

    I went to nearby town with a microwave "pressure cooker" which is supposed to speed up the cooking process, but it had languished in the garage in its box as no room in the kitchen for it, since it was bought years ago. Then I checked, and it wouldn't even fit into our present microwave, as bought when we had a giant family sized one. The charity shop were glad to take it, so I then wandered off to look for a hairdresser to cut my long locks but after a while, lost heart and after calling into an Asda for a couple of things, I came home again. Just didn't feel right wandering the streets.
  • Good morning, all.  If you'd like to see what appeared on our garden fence yesterday then click here.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:
    I went to nearby town with a microwave "pressure cooker" which is supposed to speed up the cooking process, but it had languished in the garage in its box as no room in the kitchen for it, since it was bought years ago. Then I checked, and it wouldn't even fit into our present microwave, as bought when we had a giant family sized one. The charity shop were glad to take it

    That's good - much better than tipping it, which seems to happen a lot here.

    Lindybird said:
    Just didn't feel right wandering the streets.

    Is your part of the world going to be affected by extra restrictions?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare, thank you so much for your lovely photographs from Minsmere. It's wonderful that you can capture every feather and bring those amazing birds to life through your camera lens. Wish I had that talent.
  • Pat O said:
    Wish I had that talent.

    Years ago I'd had said the same thing.  I've practised a hell of a lot since then - you don't know what's possible until you try.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I'm popping into AQ s shoes for a moment. 

    ' Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is interesting, what they hide is vital'

  • Heather - love it! Not sure it's one I can use in my church news sheet, though. Or can I?!?!?!?
  • Clare: We are far enough away from Manchester and its area to be unaffected by any extra restrictions, but near enough to be worried!

    Began grey here, then brightened up. Then, when I put some damp bathtowels on the line, it immediately began to drizzle..

    Been busy crossing off my To Do List, which I want to be shorter so I can be relaxed at the weekend. Things do as usual, seem to crop up and get in the way. Off now I've got time, to have a look at Clare's pictures.