Evening all: Off to check previous week's posts.
original goldfinch I had the same problem on this site and also Loch of the Lowes and had to sign in again. I remembered my details fortunately.
OG/ Margo, When I wrote my comment earlier and clicked 'Post', I was asked to sign in, although I had already done so. I was then able to sign in automatically again, but then found I had lost my comments and had to write them again.
Margo, I have just had a look at the spotted eagle owl cam. I didn't spot any young, but have saved it to favourites. Thank you.
morning all
Will read back later to see how everyone is but we got back from our trip last night. Had a great time, boat trip etc. The colours weren't as good as previous years but still pretty nice. It's mum's birthday today so doing bits for that and she travels home tomorrow. However, seems like a big storm is coming our way tomorrow so will have to keep and eye on that, to see if the planes' delayed. Catch up later.
Hi Everyone: Just popping in again, to keep up!
Sorry to hear about your OH's friend, margobird, that's very sad indeed.
Tiger: Great photo of the moon this time!! - have saved it, just for my own pleasure.
patriciat: Oh Dear! Things are dangerous enough without giving yourself a nasty wound! Are you sporting a natty plaster on the forehead now? - hope it doesn't hurt too much, and it heals up soon.
Damp & dismal here today, with no prospect of it clearing up much. I'm off again, busy, busy, so sorry if I don't reply to All. Take Care.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
hi i received my Roy Dennis book a life of Ospreys it looks good can't wait to read it will have finish the philip brown one first
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Alison W said: hi i received my Roy Dennis book a life of Ospreys it looks good can't wait to read it will have finish the philip brown one first
Yes you will enjoy "Life of Ospreys". I guess you are enjoying "Scottish Ospreys"?
Tiger Signature
Hazel b said: hi i received my Roy Dennis book a life of Ospreys it looks good can't wait to read it will have finish the philip brown one first
Hi Tiger,yes i am enjoying "scottish ospreys" i'm up too chapter five now been busy so haven't managed to read a lot
Miserable day here as well has hardly stopped raining since I got up this morning. Had to go out shopping this morning as I didn't have enough milk for my horlicks at bedtime. When I was out I called into SiL's for morning coffee. Just heard on the radio that there are roads flooded in Fife so I am glad I won't be going out again today. On saturday the farmers market was on in Kirkcaldy and there was a stall that was showing birds of prey and I saw a Peregrine Falcon and a Barn Owl and was allowed to stroke them. This morning when going to put the car in the garage I disturbed a Sparrowhawk which was feeding on a pidgeon that it must have killed as there was still a bit of the body still lying at the side.
Sorry to hear about people who are ill and hope things will get better soon. OG loved to here about your trip to the book fayre as there a lot of places following Wigtown's original idea. Has anyone heard anything of how Alan and Lady P are coping. Hope everyone manages to keep dry and warm.
george g